NHSE status and plan 1) CSIR was summarized by Dave 2) NHSE Review - Last week I finished revisions (based on referee reports) to my RNG review article, including converting it to NHSE Review HTML style, and emailed Lowell telling him where to get the new files. 3) RIB - This week I plan to install beta release of RIB at NPAC so we can start using it for CSIR and HPFA repositories, and give feedback to RIB developers. 4) Add stuff to HPCnetlib - Parallel random number generators (Paul and Ko) - Physical optimization codes (Paul and Saleh) A lot of this stuff is already there, I am in the process of editing the catalog entries for RNGS and finding some more software, when I am up in Syracuse next week I will work with Saleh to do the same for optimization. Before the end of the month we should have something to give to Shirley for inclusion in HPCnetlib. 5) Create new repositories: - HPFA (Paul and Ko) - extend current repository and use RIB This will be first priority - Monte Carlo (Paul and possibly Ko) I need to look around for possible codes to put here, to see if there are enough programs available to make this worthwhile. - Grand Challenges ? (need to work with NSF people on this) - DoD repositories, e.g. * Image Processing ? (PET leader Stan Ahalt) * Scientific visualization ?? (with Cornell and/or NCSA? need a contact) We should start trying to find people to collaborate with on these. - Astrophysics or N-body ?? (John Salmon) - I emailed John Salmon about this some time ago but got no reply. I'll try to follow up. 6) Improve roadmap and glossary - Link glossary entries to roadmap entry if available. - For general roadmap entries, make standardized, simple roadmap entries based on current exemplars for HPF etc, that link to the glossary, NHSE Review articles if available, and a few key Web sites. - For repositories, do an extended roadmap, with structured information (list of good Web sites) and unstructured information (search of Web and newsgroups). Main thing I would like to do here is to have a "directed search", so that the search is not over the whole Web (which is not very useful), but only over the "quality" sites in the roadmap list, and perhaps selected newsgroups. I think this would be invaluable to researchers and probably fairly easy to implement using Gang's existing Web indexing programs. We could implement an exemplar in time for next NHSE project review meeting.