Research Experiences for Undergraduates in High Performance Computing ===================================================================== a summer internship opportunity at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University Prof. Geoffrey C. Fox, Director OVERVIEW: Students in all majors are invited to apply to the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in High Performance Computing to be conducted during Summer 1995 at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University. The program begins Sunday, June 4, 1995 and ends Friday, August 11, 1995. Participants in the program receive: o training in high performance computing and communications o supervision of an independent research project o training and experience in technical writing and speaking o university housing and a meal allowance o a stipend of $2,500 ELIGIBILITY: Applications are welcome from students in all disciplines, including computer and information science, engineering, physics, mathematics, communications, education, and economics. No previous experience in high performance computing is required. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students, who expect to graduate no earlier than December 1995. Participation in the program is restricted to US citizens and permanent residents. Women and members of ethnic/racial groups that traditionally have been underrepresented in engineering, mathematics and the sciences are strongly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to students who have completed more than one year of undergraduate study. APPLICATION GUIDELINES: There is no application form. Applications should include the following: o resume (please include your email address) o academic transcript o letters of recommendation from two faculty members o an essay describing why you are interested in this program, which should tell us something about yourself, and include brief descriptions of your previous computing experience, areas of academic interest, possible areas of interest for a summer research project (if known), and tentative career plans. DEADLINES: To guarantee full consideration, completed applications must be received by March 15, 1995, however applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. Notification of intent to apply should be sent by electronic mail to Applications should be sent to: REU Program 1995 NPAC, 3-217 CST 111 College Place Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University was established in 1987 to study the application of a new generation of computing technology to problems in science and industry. Prof. Geoffrey C. Fox, a pioneer in the development and application of parallel architecture computers, joined NPAC as its Director in 1990. Prof. Fox has established an ambitious program that includes basic research, industrial applications, and educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. FACILITIES: Participants have access to all NPAC facilities, including a Connection Machine CM-5, IBM SP-2, DEC Alpha cluster, DECmpp 12000, Intel iPSC/860, nCUBE/2, and a digital multimedia lab, as well as numerous workstations. NPAC is also connected to NYNet, a high speed ATM wide-area network. REU PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The NPAC Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program has two main goals: o to introduce promising students to opportunities for research careers in applications of high performance computing and communications o to provide a research experience modeled on the requirements of graduate study Participants in the program engage in a full range of research experiences, including project definition, scope, methodology, solution, and interpretation of results. Students work closely with an experienced faculty member or staff researcher. Final results are presented in a technical paper and an oral presentation. TYPICAL PROJECTS: Advisors are available to supervise student projects in a variety of areas, including parallel algorithms and languages, computational physics, computational fluid dynamics, optimization, digital multimedia, education, financial modeling, symbolic processing, ATM networks, scientific visualization, computer graphics and virtual reality. CONTINUATION OF PROJECTS: Participants are encouraged to continue their projects under the supervision of faculty at NPAC and their home institution during the 1995-96 academic year. Access to NPAC machines will be provided until May 1996. Participants are encouraged to present their research results at professional conferences and in journal papers. Supplementary funding is available to cover the costs of participation in conferences for selected participants. FURTHER INFORMATION: For more information on the program, including examples of undergraduate research projects, direct your World Wide Web viewer (e.g. Mosaic, Lynx, Netscape) to the NPAC REU home page at Any questions should be addressed to Phone inquires can be made to Paul Coddington at 315-443-4883 or Nancy McCracken at 315-443-4687.