At present, NPAC offers the following MPP facilities: 16 node IBM SP1 with high-performance switch, two SIMD DECmpp machines (16K and 8K models), 32 node CM5 from TMC, 16 node Intel iPSC 860, and 64 node nCUBE2 with 32 node scalable parallel I/O subsystem supporting 0.2 TB on-line disk space (this system runs Oracle Parallel Database server). Distributed facilities include clusters of IBM RS/6000 and DEC Alpha workstations. Both clusters are supported by high-performance switching network: Allnode switch (aka V7) for the IBM cluster, and Gigaswitch FDDI device for the DEC Alpha cluster. In addition, the Center supports an indefinite number of desktop workstations and personal computers, and a visualization lab. The facilities are connected via an FDDI backbone supporting both ring and switched technology, HiPPI interfaces, and an extensive Ethernet network. Outside world connectivity is provided not only by standard Internet link but also by the ATM-based New York State NYNet wide-area network. The NYNet project, established by New York Telephone, Cornell University, Rome Air Force Laboratories, and Syracuse University, will provide connectivity to the national gigabit testbed.
The facility is available for academic users on a no-charge basis. Accounts can be applied for by sending a message to Corporate users can access the facility on a negotiable basis. One of the options is InfoMall Consortium membership which, in addition to other benefits, includes full access to all NPAC computational resources.
A more detailed description of the NPAC facilities is also available.