The NPAC Wide Web (Internal NPAC Web server) in /usr/local/archives/public/html/restricted with subdirectories /npac and /pl Administration and Management This information is restricted to NPAC staff only. * NPAC Management Information System [Ken to install this on NPAC server with help from Todd (need to make sure server can read the files but students can't). Mark to manage? Probably needs updating.] Computer Systems * NPAC Computing Facilities Resource Management Center [This should be replaced with pages targeted at NPAC facilities users. Mark and Paul to manage with input from enabling technologies group and systems group. This needs a lot of work to achieve the goal of providing a helpful overview of all NPAC hardware and software.] * Getting started using NPAC's computing facilities [This should also be integrated into the Computing Facilities pages. Currently maintained by Nancy and Paul.] * Quick help guide for Macs and PCs [This should also be integrated into the Computing Facilities pages] Maintained by Peter Duffin.] Library and Document Archives * NPAC Internal Technical Reports (restricted to NPAC staff) [This will be updated when database is working. Nancy and Barbara to manage? Also need to update list of SCCS and SCCST documents.] * NPAC's Research Library Listings [Nancy to manage] * How to submit and archive an NPAC Technical Report [This should be updated when database is working. Nancy and Barbara to manage?] * How to include acknowledgements to funding bodies on Technical Reports and Web pages World Wide Web * A collection of Web tools [This should also be integrated into the Computing Facilities pages. Currently maintained by Marco Falcioni, should be maintained by webmaster and/or webslave.] * Experimental Test Server for development of CGI scrips and image maps [Currently maintained by Marco Falcioni, should be maintained by webmaster and/or webslave.] * How to set up your personal home page on the NPAC Web server [Needs to be updated - currently maintained by Paul] * Web servers at NPAC [Needs to be updated - currently maintained by Paul] * Web Experiments [Is this still relevant?] InfoVision Demonstrations * Video on Demand (VOD) demonstrations [Replace with up-to-date list of VOD demos - Roman to maintain?] * Simulation on Demand (SOD) demonstrations [Out of date - replace with list of demos being compiled by Hon.] ADDITIONS: General "getting started at NPAC" information about printers, copiers, administrative staff, etc etc. To be maintained by Lee? Password instead of domain protection (can you have password OR domain, or password AND domain?)