ahmad, i.
Task Management and Performance Evaluation in Distributed
Heterogeneous Management
ammar, h.
Performance Measurements of a Parallel Simulation Algorithm
for Petri Net Models
andrews, d.
Massively Parallel Algorithm for Medical Imaging. 3-D
Reconstruction of Sets of Orthogonal Views
barlow, j.
Numerical Solution of Least Squares and Eigenvalue Problems
birman, k.
Process Group Communication on Parallel Architectures
carlberg, r.
Galaxy Formation and Cosmology
chyczewski, t.
A Massively Parallel Algorithm to Solve the Boltzmann (BKG)
clark, c.
Software Environments for Parallel Architectures
clark, c.
Strong-Field Laser-Atom Interaction
dehne, f.
The Parallel Computational Geometry Project
don, w.
Parallel ENO and Spectral Scheme Calculations of Hypersonic
Shock/Combustion Interactions
evans, d.
Concurrency Experiments
fagin, b.
Very Large Integer Manipulation
fuchs, g.
Binary Propagating Map Zero Lindenmeier Grammars
garrity, c.
Software Environments for Parallel Architectures
geller, j.
Massively Parallel Knowledge Representation
geller, j.
Massively Parallel Parsing with Expanded Grammars
grimshaw, a.
A Port of Mentat to the CM-5
gropp, w.
Port of Chameleon System to CM-5
gupta, r.
Lattice QCD and Spin Models
hartley, s.
Generating Steiner Systems using Parallel Machines
hatcher, p.
Data Parallel Programming on Diverse Architectures
havel, t.
Determination and Refinement of Protein Solution Structure
jagannathan, r.
A Scalable Fault-Tolerant and Programmable Platform
for Parallel Applications
johnson, d.
Comparative Study of Parallel Algorithms Implementation
johnsson, l.
A Comparison of Randomized Routing Algorithms for Large
Scale Parallel Systems
kotz, d.
Introduction to Parallel Computing (Course)
lapolla, m.
Programming Parallel Systems (Testing and Debugging)
lebowitz, j.
Computer Studies in Statistical Mechanics
lee, s.
Efficient I/O for Fine-Grain Multiprocessors
lo, j.
Neural Networks for Adaptive Non-Linear Filtering
luk, f.
Matrix Operations on a Fat-Tree Connected Network
mesina, g.
Massively Parallel Accelerated Artificial Compressibility
michaels, d.
Mathematical Models of Reentrant Activity in Cardiac Tissue
mower, j.
Automated Cartographic Name Placement
mower, j.
Parallel Computing Applications for Cartography
mullin, l.
The Psi Calculus: Formal Methods for the Partitioning,
Scheduling, and Routing of Arrays - Architecture
Independent Designs and Cost Prediction and Data Parallel
nagurney, a.
Massively Parallel Computation of Economic Equilibria
nevison, c.
Undergraduate Parallel Computing Curriculum Development
nielsen, s.
Massively Parallel Network Optimization
nielsen, s.
Parallel Linear Programming
panza, g.
Computation and Application of Theoretical Seismograms
in Anelastic, Three-Dimensionally Heterogeneous Models of
the Earth
patel, j.
Hybrid Resource Management for Distributed Memory
pertsov, a.
3D Simulations of Excitation Propagation in Cardiac
pingali, k.
pope, s.
Particle Method for Turbulence
potter, d.
Optical Scattering/2D Electrophoresis Analysis
potter, d.
Simulation of Circadian Rhythms//Generating Prime
Implicates in Parallel
rogers, a.
Olden Project
roysam, b.
A Numerical Approach to the Computation of Light
Propagation through Turbid Media: Application to the
Evaluation of Lighted Exit Signs
roysam, b.
Adaptive Algorithms for 3 and 4-D Computational Confocal
schwab, f.
Computation and Application of Theoretical Seismograms
in Anelastic, Three-Dimensionally Heterogeneous Models
of the Earth's Structure: Direct and Inverse Problems
skorin-kapov, j.
Massively Parallel Tabu Search for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems
smith, j.
Finite Element Methods using Daubechies Wavelets
sobieski, j.
Comparative Studies of Interprocessor Communications
Between CM2 and the CM5
szymanski, b.
Domain Specific Parallel Software Tools
thacher, e.
The Inverse Radiation Problem in Enclosures with Hidden
thiruvathukal, g.
Object-Oriented Parallelism and Numerical Methods
vandongen, v.
Portable Parallel Programming Environment Project
vanloan, c.
Parallelizable Preconditioners for the Conjugate Gradient
Method and their Applications
wesselkamper, t.
Research in Combinatorial Computing
zenios, s.
Massively Parallel Computing for Financial Planning
Under Uncertainty
zenios, s.
Valuation of Options on the Sum of Two or Three
Risky Assets
zmijewski, e.
The Unsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem on Massively Parallel