National HPCC Software Exchange (NHSE) Project
Staff Assigned
- Paul Coddington (funded at 50%)
- Ken Hawick (funded at 50%)
- Nancy McCracken (funded at 40%)
- Roman Markowski (funded at 27%)
- We have about $50K per year for consultants.
- We have money for equipment (Sparc 20 plus disks and tape drive).
- Sung-Hoon Ko, GRA (funded, but not through this project, since
there is no money allocated for grad students)
- John Houle, GRA (unfunded)
Nancy and Roman are not doing any work on this project.
Hon Yau and Mark Baker are contributing a small portion of their time.
Mark to replace Ken?
Milestones and Deliverables
Presentation on HPCC Roadmap was given at technical/review meeting
last month.
NPAC's NHSE Web pages to be made available on server as soon as possible.
Review articles for cluster computing (Mark Baker) and parallel random
numer generators (Paul Coddington) to be published in NHSE Review Journal
within next couple of months.
Roadmap needs to be greatly improved before next review meeting.
Problems and Constraints
- Main problem has been that staff working on this project were
overcommitted so very little has actually been done so far.
Had funding for > 1.5 staff-years, but amount of effort was probably less
than 10% of this (a lot of the content, such as HPCC glossary and Mark's
cluster computing review, were done independently of NHSE).
This was OK for last month's (friendly) site review,
but we will need great improvement by next review meeting, i.e. much more
staff time dedicated to this project.
- This is a 5 year project, but funding is on a year-by-year basis and
may change from year to year.
- Consultants need to be identified to help write review articles,
roadmaps, etc.
Paul Coddington,, Feb 5 1996.