Empire Web
Project Description
Provide support for Empire Web, an Infomall mid-Hudson company
providing Web services for New York State companies.
Paul Coddington, 10% of time funded by Infomall mid-Hudson,
for working on various projects including this one.
Barbara has been involved in some discussions on possible Web database
Ade and Todd involved in discussions of possible future services.
Recent Accomplishments
Helped them with information for advertising their Web services.
Provided information on costing for providing WWW domain names.
Milestones and Deliverables
Provide new reconfigured Infomall Web server which allows multiple
domain names, and better implementation of CGI programs (separate CGI
servers for each company). Expected to be available mid-March.
Provide them with www.empireweb.com ASAP.
Problems and Constraints
Need to sort out some funding once they get a few more customers and
a stable revenue stream. Possible source of Web database customers.
Paul Coddington, paulc@npac.syr.edu, March 5 1996.