Terrain Rendering / GIS Project
Project Description
Web-based Geographical Information System, using
2D and 3D rendering of terrain for interactive flight simulation
interfaced to spatially referenced information.
Paul Coddington (no funding from any specific project,
so no official time allotment, in practice about 20%).
Alvin Leung, GRA (funded 100%, originally by Living Schoolbook, now
discretionary? or Rome Lab?).
Chris Walczak, Polish intern.
Byoengsoeb Ki, GRA doing independent study (unfunded).
Recent Accomplishments
Walczak's Illustra and VRML servers made more robust and now are
usable by others in the terrain rendering group.
ALvin and Ki have studied Chris's code and the database interface.
Deliverables and Deadlines
Provide good 2D (Java) and 3D (VRML) terrain rendering for Interactive
Journey (Living Schoolbook) and Rome Lab demos by end of March.
Alvin needs to graduate soon (end of summer if possible).
Problems and Constraints
Someone needs to take over project management from Paul fairly soon.
Main problem is lack of expertise in GIS and geographical data.
Obtaining data and integrating different data sets in different formats
is highly non-trivial.
Paul Coddington, paulc@npac.syr.edu, March 5 1996