Visible Human Project
Project Description
Web-based interface (currently Java) to visualizations of digital images
of the human body.
Staff Assigned
- Paul Coddington, about 1-2%, unfunded.
- Yuh-Jye (Michael) Chang, independent study student. Unfunded for
this project, but as a result of his work on it, was funded as an RA
for Geoffrey's CPS 616 class this semester.
Recent Accomplishments
- Improved user interface based on suggestions from the National
Library of Medicine.
- Applet to be featured in 2 forthcoming books on Java.
- Requests to host mirror sites in Europe and Australia.
- Entered the applet in the Sun Java Contest.
- NCSA Mirage project (Web-based collaboration using Java-based tools)
requested source code to turn it into a collaborative system
(multiple users share the interface and see the same view), to be
demonstrated to the director of the National Institute of Health
next week.
Deliverables and Plan
Emailed the director of the Visible Human project at the National
Library of Medicine asking about the possibility of funding further work
on the project. No reply yet.
If we get funding, Michael Chang will work on this for his PhD, extending
the interface to other data (MRI, CT, Visible Woman), adding overlays to
database information such as names of body parts (a la Interactive
Journey), doing 3D visualization using VRML, etc.
If there is no funding available, we will just give them the code (if
they want it).
Related possibility is to leverage this work to get funding for Java
interface to Human Genome data. Loads of funding around for genome work,
next round of proposals to NIH and NLM due in June.
Paul Coddington,, Mar 5 1996.