Some more comments on your report "Implementation of Interactive New York State Terrain Viewer" for your independent study In Table 1, I assume that the second row should be 1000x1000, rather than just 1000. As well as measured download times, I would like to see some theoretical download times, at a rate of 1 Mb/sec (which you might expect to get over Ethernet), 128 kb/sec (ISDN), and 28.8 kb/sec (modem). For the results in Table 1, I am surprised that the image creating time is so large - 12 seconds for a 600x600 pixel image. What exactly is involved in "image creating" and "image drawing"? I thought that the Java implementation in Netscape used native methods to do the JPEG decompression etc, so downloading a JPEG image and displaying it using Java shouldn't be much slower than downloading and displaying it in Netscape. I would be interested in seeing some comparisons in times to do this for different sized images. In Table 2 and Table 3, you compare sizes and times for one large image (600x600 pixels) and 4 image chunks (300x300 pixels each). The compression times are the same for both, which I don't understand, since I would expect that since the chunks are 4 times smaller, they would be compressed about 4 times faster. Also, I would like to see some timings and data sizes (like those in the tables) for the actual chunk sizes that you use, i.e. 160x160. One thing you might want to check to try to speed up the program, is to try to reduce as much as possible the copying of data, i.e. try to move the objects rather than copy them whenever you can. When Animesh was developing the Tcl/Tk version of the 2D terrain viewer, he said that he greatly improved the speed by moving pointers to the chunks rather than copying chunks from buffers into image arrays.