Expenses for Paul Coddington Internet access, Oct 96 to Mar 97 @ $25 per month $150.00 Modem and Zip disks, box for holding floppies $284.93 Modem cable $ 10.99 Taxi to meeting with Askari in New York City to discuss possible project $ 10.10 Subway returning from meeting $ 1.50 Travel from New York City to Poughkeepsie to work with Community School Networks 15 Jan 1997 by train $17.50 29 Jan 1997 by train $17.50 12 Feb 1997 by train $17.50 14 Mar 1997 by train $17.50 Travel from New York City to Syracuse to meet with students, collaborators and Prof Fox Week of 3 February 1997 540 miles round trip by car ?? Week of 3 March 1997 540 miles round trip by car Week of 6 April 1997 540 miles round trip by car