Can I run linux from a boot disk and Zip drive? Replace online help from backup. Replace 95 with NT 4.0 when it comes out? But NT not supported on Thinkpad! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HARDWARE: Ethernet adaptor plus software. for CSNet SCSI adapter cable to get Zip drive working. PROGRAMS TO INSTALL: Chameleon? or wait until NT 4.0 and use that? Zip drive software for Windows. Software to do full Win95 backup using Zip drive (check Microsoft and Iomega Web sites). Netscape Gold Web server (NCSA for Win95) perl5 Java Development Kit Something to copy files to floppies without screwing up file names. EXTRAS: VIM help and configuration file (.vimrc) for word wrap etc. Fix telnet (or get a better one) so vi doesn't screw up? (NCSA Telnet works) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DONE: WinZip32 WinFTP32 Remove Linux and LILO, move Linux partitions to DOS. postscript viewer TeX and LaTeX Netscape 3.0