VERY URGENT =========== * ISDN * ethernet card, SCSI adapter, etc. NPAC * ThinkQuest judging * Example of username/password for GCF (from CGI book?). * SCCS database - test, make available, and rewrite help pages. * Comments to Su * Comments to Saleh * NHSE work for Ko * NHSE work for Saleh * Reading list, qualifying exam and work/thesis outline for Ko, Alvin, Saleh NHSE * Complete parallel RNG review (fix HTML and review papers, DEC HPF) * Make fixes to NHSE Review paper based on Shirley and Lowell's comments. * Install and catalog RNG software * Comment on NHSE strategic plan (add roadmap stuff?) * Comment on NHSE repository planning guide (add roadmap stuff?) * Look at ACM (and other) categories of software and applications. * Look at what Yang did, and talk to Dave Bernhold and Yang Meng. * Look at Comp Chemistry software * Look at AskNPAC content * Improve the roadmap! Esp for parallel tools, RNGs, comp chem, optimization. * Optimization roadmap from Saleh. * Improved HPFA - talk to Hon. * Perl scripts to link glossaries with encyclopedia articles. CSN * Changes to MindsEye * Simple form for Scott * Mirrored DNS script * Webboard navigation * combined form and file upload * Install new and/or for file upload TERRAIN * Put my foils etc in the archive * Edit Alvin's thesis * Working Java and VRML code from Ki and Alvin * NASA JPL guy - give him demos, get Mars data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- URGENT ====== NHSE * NHSE roadmap - fix up link problems on new server * HPFA CSN * Main fixes for Webboard * MASC Webboard - admin stuff * LivingPage stuff * Improve * Document all the perl modules * Trademark Kids Web name * Update Kids Web * Use by CSN? TERRAIN * Terrain Viewer home page, documentation, etc * Paper about terrain rendering using VRML INFOMALL * Fix Cyberpals database * Fix stats * Update Infomall pages (Hot Technologies, etc) using old stuff, then remove old stuff NPAC * Edit Saleh's paper * Su's papers * Testing Parallel RNG paper!! Get Ko to do more testing. * HPF RNG paper and code * Finish graph coloring paper * Write parallel DTRS paper * Parallel DTRS conference paper - who will submit? Money?? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASAP ==== * Get Netscape mail sorted out. How do I save things in folders at NPAC (and perhaps locally also) NHSE * Web documents and paper on sequential RNGs and test suite * Web documents and paper on parallel RNGs and test suite INFOMALL * Report on Mid-Hudson companies * Fix npac.gif on Infomall pages * Smart - Web translation proxy server * Han * Pequot Indian proposal? NPAC * Finish 3D clustering paper * Write clustering papers with Nawal * Write power systems paper (general paper plus sparse paper with DPK?) * Write tempering optimization paper * Write replica cluster paper * Write long Potts dynamic exponents paper * Update and submit Han's strings paper with DEC Alpha results * Copy papers to SCCS archive and make HTML versions * Call guy about NiMo * Update CPS 713 lectures * David Decker about Vishuman * Web mirroring and caching, esp NASA Langley software * comments and search on Kids Web * Kids Web version of LP * Discussion webboards for each Kids Web topic * Change interface so it doesn't use so many icona * Announce Kids Web, put it on search engines and What's New * Sort out Visible Human disks * Visible Human - funding and 3D rendering * Java genome viewer? * NPAC internal Java/perl/SQL module pages * slideshow slideinfo page * gcf comments on students * Recommendation for Nawal * REU t-shirt and copy of journal to everyone * REU GIFs on CD-ROM * NPAC demos, esp Java & VOD & database (internal and external) * NPAC ET pages * Metadata for foils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHENEVER ======== * Software copyright stuff from OSP on all NPAC software * Catch up on email (esp action), HPCwire, webster, netnews, etc. * Standard NPAC document/slide style files * Web and HTML tutorials - online and hardcopy versions, Kids Web version * NPAC and random surfaces videos * NiMo proposal? * Geoffrey's aliases perl script * Maui HPCC account * NPAC resources Web page * Check NiMo stuff, parallel sparse matrix/DAE etc with Tony and Saltz * Write YSP and/or Kids Web paper? * Finish mentorship program stuff, Virtual Campus Tour, Internet list, etc * Refs on Web education * Vinson's chaos programs as SOD - in Java? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUFF FOR ME TO DO ================== Learn Java, write Java version of spin model simulations Hawkington Fox Web science picture book