Are the risks involved with Barry Voight's job worth the knowledge he gains?
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From Bob Ritter at 05:19:34 on 09/16/95:
Every job has risks but I think Barry's job is very
dangerous. He is a brave man. yes I think the risk is
worth it, he is going to learn very important things.
From Corey at 19:43:21 on 09/16/95:
The knowlege he gains could very well be used to do severak things. The first is get a better understanding of how volcanoes work. Once he understands that we will be able to better predict when it is close to an eruption. With this knowlege, one can now have the island safely evacuated before any human harm is done. The same knowlege can also be taken and applied to other communities that are also potentially affected by volcanoes.
From nikki markovits at 00:51:44 on 09/26/95:
I think it isn't worth it because every day he has a
chance of loosing his life. His life is more important than
his knowledge.
From Daniel at 07:56:41 on 10/24/95:
Nah, the risk he takes it way too big!
From Paul Coddington at 16:58:06 on 03/05/96:
I think that's for him to decide. If he is so interested in
what he's doing that he's willing to assume these risks,
then good for him. He is no different than an astronaut or
even a rock climber - they love what they do and are willing
to take some risk to enjoy it. And the knowledge he gains
may help to predict eruptions in the future, thus saving
many lives.
From George Supan at 09:08:31 on 03/06/96:
If he doesn't get singed in the process it'd be a great job.
From Gary Markovits at 16:09:33 on 03/18/96:
This is a demonstration of VitalZines for Benesse.
From Gary Markovits at 14:58:37 on 05/24/96:
This is a demonstration, I really don't have anything to say about Barry VOIGHT.
From Gary Markovits at 15:06:30 on 05/30/96:
I think Barry is very brave, but I also think he takes a lot of risk in his job. He is the one that must decide if it is worth it.
From Denny Eaton at 18:55:03 on 05/31/96:
I think it is dsangerous but necessary to understanding the earth we live on and why it changes
From Chris at 20:32:52 on 06/26/96:
From Paul Coddington at 11:39:09 on 07/15/96:
The risks he takes are worth it because the knowledge he
gains may save lives in the future.
From Michelle at 04:00:24 on 08/17/96:
yup, I think there are!!!!!:)
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