The new version (0.21) of the LivingPage is now available for beta testing. Note the following changes and new features: - When you first go to the LivingPage, you will only have read access. You will need to click on "Login" in the list of options at the bottom of the page in order to login and be able to add entries. - Administrator can add and delete subject headings. - Users can add, edit and delete entries. (Currently users can only edit or delete entries that they have added, and only the administrator can edit or delete any entry. In the next version there may be an option to allow any user to edit any entry). - Administrator can set preferences for a LivingPage, including - options for the HTML (the format of the list, background color, etc) - list ordering (alphabetical, time ordered, or reverse time ordered) - user restrictions on reading and writing of entries Please let me know if you find any bugs, or have any suggestions as to how to improve the user interface, or any extra preferences you would like added. NOTE: the new version requires a new URL for existing LivingPages. Please change any hyperlinks or bookmarks to point to the new URL. The new COIN LivingPage is now available at: The original URL I gave you, will also work, but I intend the former URL to always be the latest stable version, while the latter will be the latest beta test (i.e. possibly buggy) version of work in progress. The new Constellation LivingPage is now available: The new CSNet Holidays LivingPage is now available: In the next couple of weeks I will be writing documentation on how to use the LivingPage, which will be available online (in particular, by clicking on "Help" in the options bar at the bottom of the page).