Greetings!  Thank you for your interest in obtaining an account here on The CyberDen!  The process of installing and setting up the new server continues with the target online date of November 3rd, 1993. Macintosh users as well as IBM users can obtain the necessary software to use the GUI on their first call. (PC Users, can call using RipTerm and download The CyberDen's additional Icons).  ______________________________________________________________________________ __What Is The CyberDen?_______________________________________________________  The CyberDen is a telecommunications center for the alternative computer user plus a whole lot more. Geared towards the music industry, The CyberDen is the first and largest computer network system which houses information specific to the alternative music industry as well as the culture that surrounds it.  Started in 1991, The CyberDen encompassed the industrial and gothic music scene and soon became a center of such information for the entire world. New record releases, Fanzine announcements, Bands online, tour announcements, club schedules plus much more gave The CyberDen an edge that no other computer bulletin board could match. In the next two years, The CyberDen expanded not only it's content, but it's user base as well. So much has been added that it is now time for The CyberDen to expand and go worldwide.  The CyberDen's new system is a multiline, Graphical User Interface (GUI) based network. The CyberDen's GUI makes using the system as easy as moving a mouse and clicking a button. It can be accessed via either by calling in directly over phone lines or through what is known as the Internet. The Internet is the largest computer network in the world, allowing users from other locations access to The CyberDen as if it was in the next room.  Currently, The CyberDen supports local dialup access in the Bay Area and will be expanding local dialup numbers worldwide as the network grows. San Jose, Los Angeles and other cities are targeted for expansion. An optional AT&T 700 # will also be available for those who wish to use it.   Most Internet sites use a clunky, confusing text based interface which require the user to know Unix to navigate through the system. The CyberDen is NOT a Unix site yet provides full access to the Internet. Currently, The CyberDen supports Telnet In/Out, Usenet news, and Internet Mail in addition to the many local functions such as the CyberInfo, CyberLink, local files areas plus much more. Additional Internet functions are being planned for installation into The CyberDen such as FTP, IRC, WWW, Gopher and much more.  ______________________________________________________________________________ __How can we benefit from The CyberDen?_______________________________________  By expanding The CyberDen, two things happen. Availability increases and the user base increases. Over 1500 users have joined The CyberDen in the past year and by expanding and offering Usenet and Internet access, I plan to see that number hit around 4000 members in the next year. Since The CyberDen has been advertised as an alternative network for years, the audience is already based in the music, art, hacker and hardcore scene. It is a prime target audience.  In continuing with The CyberDen's earlier features, the new CyberDen will offer users access to certain areas which will house information on:  o Major and Independent Record Labels - New Audio and Video Releases, Announcements, Contact info...  o Magazine and Fanzines - Subscription info, reviews, example articles...  o Bands - Personal areas, catalogs, fan mail center, announcements...  o Touring Schedules  o Charts - National, Regional, Magazine...  o Clubs and Nightlife - Club listings, performances...  This is only a partial list, but it gives you an idea on what one can find.  All of these areas in The CyberDen will support full color pictures and sound. Imagine creating a band bio or new music release section which contains full color pictures of the album cover as well as song snippets so that users can download, view and listen offline! So many artists go unknown merely because the public didn't know that "Hey! So they're the ones that did that song...".  Being connected to The Internet means that in addition to the thousands of local subscribers to The CyberDen, your section is also accessible by those who subscribe to the Internet. (And there are millions of Internet users).  This would put The CyberDen on the map as the largest alternative computer network in the world which is geared towards the music industry and the cultures that surround it.  ______________________________________________________________________________ __What does our subscription cost cover?______________________________________  Thinking of starting your own Internet BBS network? Be prepared to spend over $15,000 for starters. Monthly fees can range from $500 to $10,000 per month. Why bother with all the hassle. Let The CyberDen handle it all for you.  Running a computer service takes more then just setting up the computer. It's also the maintenance of users, accounts, phone lines, programs, hackers, electricity costs, networks, crashes, repeaters, digital links, backups, repairs, updates, plus much much more. Why have to bother with that headache? The owner of The CyberDen has over 14 years of hardcore experience in running Bulletin Board Systems and knows how to get things done, making your downtime null and your productive uptime always.  We also handle all of the scanning and digitizing here at The CyberDen. We use a top of the line HP Scanjet IIc 1200dpi color scanner and a digital as well as analog 4 track disk based digital sound recording system to create your promo packages. Promo packages created on The CyberDen can be viewed and heard by any computer user out there, be it on an IBM, Amiga, Macintosh or Atari.  All you need to do is update The CyberDen weekly, monthly, whenever, with new product announcements, touring information, charts, promos or whatever else we would need to scan and digitize for your section. We can also handle video promos too making Windows or Quicktime movies for our subscribers to view. We support CD's, LP's, DAT's, Laserdiscs, Beta, VHS and 3/4" video.  *** We require that you give us written permission to scan and digitize your products for the sole purpose of promotion only. If you have any certain limitations such as image or sound quality, and lengths of sound or video recordings, be sure to place them in this release.  Your subscription covers all this listed above plus your single account which users all over the world will be able to contact you at. It will be your Internet mailing address. You should print this address in print ads and on business cards. It is your link to the electronic world.  Note: All material becomes property of The CyberDen and can not be returned.  ______________________________________________________________________________ __How much does it all cost?__________________________________________________  Subscriptions to The CyberDen are monthly. This price list is for industry accounts only and does not reflect personal individual accounts.  - Account Types* and costs -  LARGE INDUSTRY ACCOUNT [$150 per month] -Major Labels -Subsidiary Labels -Large Scale Indie Labels/Distributers (50+ releases) -Large Scale Magazines (Subs/Newsstands/4 Color) -Large Scale Charting Services (Trades, Industry) -Large Scale Multimedia/Entertainment companies  MEDIUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT [$ 75 per month] -Medium Scale Indie Labels/Distributers (25-50 releases) -Medium Scale Magazines/Fanzines (Gloss/Paper/Subs) -Startup Multimedia/Entertainment companies  SMALL INDUSTRY ACCOUNT [$ 20 per month] -Small Scale Indie Labels (< 25 releases) -Fanzines (Paper, Xerox, Small Distrib.) -Bands of any size#  REGULAR INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS^ [$ 13 per month]  * Account Type Minimum Requirements:  o Bands - A Band must have a physical release either on CD or LP/EP. You don't have to be signed to a major label or anything as there are quite a few bands funding themselves. --> DEMO TAPES ARE FINE!  o Magazines/Fanzines - Zines come in many shapes and sizes. Basically I will accept any zine that is published on a regular basis. It does have to be over 10 pages in length (12 including cover/back), and be an ongoing publication. No one time shots or mock ups.  o Record Labels - Any label can join. You can not use one account to support subsidiary or offshoot labels however. Each entity must have it's own account.  o Other applicable entities should send a formal request with their appropriate info.  # Any band can choose to get an individual account. A Business Account # merely insures your own private section on The CyberDen. # # SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Any band may enter into the CyberLink area via # FTP FREE OF CHARGE at ANY TIME. If you supply the digitized files, # image scans, etc., then you merely need to upload your files to the # INCOMING directory located in the CyberLink FTP area. Be sure to # notify the Sysop of The CyberDen of you entity so your own special # area can be setup for local CyberDen access. Be sure to include your # Email address so when your direct link is setup on The CyberDen, # proper Email contact will be possible from users of The CyberDen. # # You do NOT need an account on The CyberDen to get into the CyberLink # area, only if you wish to obtain your own CyberDen account.  ^ An Industry account may decide to simply obtain a regular individual ^ account. This is perfectly acceptable yet there will be no special ^ section set aside in the CyberInfo area for the account.  ______________________________________________________________________________  *** SPECIAL 2 MONTH PROMOTION ***  We are currently offering a special two month trial for industry accounts (Individual accounts do not apply to this special)  Provided the necessary requirements are met, you will be able to obtain a new account, free of any fees for the first 2 months. After your 2 month trial, you will have the option to keep your account on a subscription basis.  __Necessary Requirements_____________________________________________________  This two month free account promotion is open only to those in the industry. Individuals can subscribe to The CyberDen at any time.  To qualify for your free two month trial period;  1. Log on to The CyberDen and get a new account. (Enter NEW as your Login name to gain access to the new user account application.)  2. Send The CyberDen a letter on official letterhead requesting your free two month trial account. YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR ACCOUNT NAME AND PASSWORD IN YOUR LETTER!  3. If applicable, include written permission allowing The CyberDen to scan pictures and sample music of your products for distribution on The CyberDen. Be sure to include any limitations such as sample rates or picture depth.  4. Include any items you wish placed in your CyberDen area. You may send material to The CyberDen for replacement/updating at any time. ______________________________________________________________________________  Once you're verified, you can call back and download your free copy of the GUI terminal software making your next call to The CyberDen fully graphical.  The number of The CyberDen is 415.472.5527 and supports 1200-14.4K Baud  If you have any further questions, you can contact us at  Address: The CyberDen P.O. Box 150465 San Rafael, CA 94915-0465  Voice/Fax: 415.507.0333   The CyberDen  (C) 1993/1994 Indescribable Creations