I touched base with Chou-Wei Ou about the project and emailed Miloje but no response yet. I got systems to set up a financial modeling project directory and they managed to also dig up some files (codes, data, docs) from somewhere, including Maui and Sailfish stuff. Haven't found the Web pricing stuff yet though. I was planning to take a quick look through this material so I can figure out what the codes actually do, and then hopefully estimate what we can do and by when. I was going to email or call Peter this week and let him know I was still looking into what we have and would talk to him next week. If these codes are OK, we could probably get a demo running for them in a couple of months. So as we discussed, I could suggest to him that he join Infomall (for $25K?) for which we will do 2 months work, which would be about 2 man-months and thus $25K would be right if an NPAC man-year is $150K. In the meantime we could negotiate a longer-term contract which would have to go through the university and would be unlikely to start until July.