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Scientific Applications

The highest profile applications in computational science are the so-called ``Grand Challenges''. [12] At the last count, there are 39 ``official'' grand challenge applications in the areas of chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physics, fluid dynamics, the environment, weather forecasting, geophysics, space science and astronomy, and artificial intelligence, which are deemed to be of national importance. Most grand challenge problems involve partial differential equations, particle dynamics, multidisciplinary integration, with some visualization and artificial intelligence. These are all amenable to parallel processing, and can all be expressed in HPF.

Most of the basic problems of this kind, for example solving differential equations, can be done using regular and often local algorithms. HPF can express these types of algorithms very well, and they will generally run very efficiently on MIMD, SIMD and vector architectures. However in many cases, the traditional algorithms have been superseded by modern, more effective algorithms, which are often non-local (e.g. multi-grid) and/or irregular (e.g. adaptive mesh). However the properties of non-locality and irregularity which help make these algorithms so effective, also make them difficult to implement efficiently on a vector or parallel supercomputer. In some cases it is also not obvious how to express this kind of algorithm in HPF.

This is an important issue for HPF: what applications does it support, and what extensions are needed to cover those applications not currently supported? [7, 14] A survey of approximately 400 scientific applications [11] gave the following classification of problems:

     		 Problem Class				 Number	        		 HPF Support

Synchronous tex2html_wrap_inline496 Now

Embarrassingly Parallel tex2html_wrap_inline498 Now

Loosely Synchronous tex2html_wrap_inline500 Future

Asynchronous tex2html_wrap_inline502 No

HPF can currently handle synchronous problems, using data parallel arrays manipulated using intrinsic functions (shift, multiply, add, sum, etc.). Examples include:

The INDEPENDENT construct in HPF can be used for embarrassingly parallel problems, such as:

Irregular loosely synchronous problems should be implementable in HPF, for example by using the FORALL statement, the PARTI routines for handling irregular communications and data distribution, [18] or library functions. These kinds of problems can usually only be implemented efficiently on MIMD machines, and in some cases even this is very difficult. Examples include:

Problems which probably cannot be expressed in HPF in its current form include extremely irregular problems such as:

Asynchronous problems such as transaction analysis and event driven simulation are outside the current (and anticipated future) scope of HPF.

Some irregular applications cannot currently be expressed in HPF, or at least not nearly as efficiently as in message passing languages. However the more common irregular applications such as sparse matrix solvers will be incorporated into HPF using software libraries, so the difficulties of the parallelism are hidden in a library call.

Some example applications are described in the following sub-sections. These algorithms are included in a suite of applications codes used to help validate and evaluate the Fortran 90D compiler. [31] This is being expanded into an HPFF application suite, which is being used as ``experimental data'' to test and evaluate the HPF language design, and may eventually evolve into a test suite to certify an HPF compiler.

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Geoffrey Fox, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University,