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Fortran With Message Passing

Message passing is a natural model of programming distributed memory MIMD computers, and is currently used in the vast majority of successful applications using MIMD machines. The basic idea is that each node (processor plus local memory) has a program which controls, and performs calculations on, its own data (the ``owner-computes'' rule). Non-local data may need to be obtained from other nodes, which is done by communication of messages.

In its simplest form, there is one program per node of the computer. The programs can be different (although usually they are the same), however they will generally follow different threads of control, for example different branches of an IF statement. Communication can be asynchronous, but in most cases the algorithms are loosely synchronous, [2] meaning that they are usually controlled by a time or iteration parameter and there is synchronization after every iteration, even though the communications during the iteration process may not be synchronous.

If parallelism is obtained from standard domain decomposition, then the parallel program for each node can look very similar to the sequential program, except that it computes only on local data, and has a call to a message passing routine to obtain non-local data. Schematically, a program might look something like the following:

2.0cm CALL COMMUNICATE (required non-local data)
2.0cm DO i running over local data
2.5cm CALL CALCULATE (with i's data)
2.0cm END DO

Note that it is more efficient to pass all the non-local data required in the loop as a single block before processing the local data, rather than pass each element of non-local data as it is needed within the loop. The advantages of this style of programming are:

The disadvantages are:

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Geoffrey Fox, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University,