fly: create GIF images on the fly

Author: Martin Gleeson,

fly is a C program that creates GIF images on the fly from CGI and other programs. Using Thomas Boutell's gd graphics library for fast GIF creation, it provides a command-file interface for creating and modifying GIF images.

Current version: 1.6.2, 25th September 1998

Copies of this document are available from a number of sites. Please choose the one closest to you:

Australia:<URL:> [Home Site]
USA (1):<URL:>
USA (2):<URL:>

Special thanks to Laurent Domisse for hosting the USA (2) mirror site and Alex Ibrado for hosting the USA (1) mirror site.

Table of Contents

  1. Obtaining the source.
  2. Installing fly.
  3. How to use fly.
  4. Feedback.
  5. Fly on the Web.
  6. Mailing Lists.
  7. The Future.
  8. Frequently Asked Questions.
  9. Contributors.
  10. Release notes.

Obtaining fly

via FTP

fly source code is available in the following formats:

unix tar: (580k)
unix tar, compressed: (160k)
unix tar, GNU zipped: (92k)
pkzip: (100k)

Source code is available for MMS (Module Management System) on VMS and OpenVMS:

In tar+GNU zipped format: (51k)

Precompiled binaries are available for some operating systems:

Windows NT & Windows 95 (x86): (62k ZIP file) (134k executable)
OS/2 v2.1 (486): (61k)
DEC OSF/1 v3.2 aka Digital UNIX (DEC Alpha): (41k)
DEC OSF/1 v4.0 aka Digital UNIX (DEC Alpha): (48k)
OpenVMS for DEC Alpha: (51k)
IBM AIX 3.2.5 for RS/6000: (41k)
Linux 2.0.33 (i586): (40k)
Linux 2.1.119 (i686): (41k)
BSDI 3.0 (Intel x86): (64k)
SunOS 4.1.3 (SPARC): (44k)
Solaris 2.4 (SPARC): (43k)
Solaris 2.5.1 (SPARC): (40k)
Solaris 2.6 (Ultra SPARC): (46k)
SGI IRIX 6.4 (R10000): (46k)
NeXTSTEP 3.3 (intel): (90k)
SCO Open Server 5.0.0 (Intel x86): (86k)
Risc PC StrongArm (RISC-OS): (102k)

HP/UX binaries are available from the HP/UX Porting and Archive Centre at <URL:>. Search for "fly" and look under the X11/Graphics section.

via E-Mail

Because some users have reported difficulties in retrieving fly by ftp, due to slow internet links, I have created an autoresponse system where the fly distribution can be mailed to you.

To obtain fly via email, send a message to with no subject, and the following line (exactly) in the body of the message:

send <filename>

where <filename> is one of the filenames above (e.g. fly-1.6.2.tar.gz, fly-1.6.2.exe, fly-1.6.2.SunOS-5.4-sun4d.tar.gz etc.)

Installing fly

If you have obtained fly-n.tar.Z or fly-n.tar.gz, enter the following commands at the unix prompt:

uncompress fly-n.tar.Z or gunzip fly-n.tar.gz
This will decompress the compressed archive.
tar xfv fly-n.tar
This will un-tar the archive, placing its contents in a directory called fly
cd fly-n; make
If all goes well, this will compile the program giving you an executable called fly

If you have obtained the NT/Win95 zip file,, enter the following command at the DOS prompt:

pkunzip -d
This will unzip the archive. Note: it is essential that you use the -d switch to force pkunzip to create the necessary directories.

Windows users can also use WinZip to extract the files with all the compression formats used on this page including zip, tar, and gz.

If you have obtained the NT/Win95 binary, fly-n.exe, no installation is necessary.

If you obtained one of the precompiled binaries, enter the following commands:

gunzip fly-n.OS.tar.gz
tar xfv fly-n.OS.tar


If you are attempting to compile from source and don't have gcc, you will get an error message along the lines of 'gcc: command not found' and make will exit. Just change the lines in the Makefile and the Makefile in the gd1.2 directory that read:
CC = gcc
CC = cc
and it should work. If it still doesn't compile, try one of the pre-compiled binaries, or contact me.

Hans Schrader <> has written a Guide to getting fly and Matt Wright's Counter script working on Win95 with Perl32.

Using fly

Invoking fly

Note that the command line arguments for v1.1 and later are different from v1.0 and earlier.

The standard manner used to invoke fly is:
fly -i <input file> -o <output file>

You can omit the input file, and fly takes its directives from stdin, and if you omit the output file, the output goes to stdout.

The command file

The command file uses a number of directives. It must start with one of the following lines:

existing /path/to/file.gif
if modifying an existing image, OR
size x,y
for creating a new image of width x pixels, height y pixels.

After the initial command, any of the commands below may be used.

To create more than one image from a command file, use the directive end, followed by either

existing /path/to/file.gif
name <filename.gif>
if modifying an existing image, OR
size x,y
name <filename.gif>
for creating a new image.


Directives & explanations

line x1,y1,x2,y2,R,G,B

Creates a line from coordinates x1,y1 to coordinates x2,y2 of colour R,G,B.

dline x1,y1,x2,y2,R,G,B

Creates a dashed line from coordinates x1,y1 to coordinates x2,y2 of colour R,G,B.

rect x1,y1,x2,y2,R,G,B

Creates a rectangle from coordinates x1,y1 to coordinates x2,y2 with edging of colour R,G,B.

frect x1,y1,x2,y2,R,G,B

Creates a filled rectangle from coordinates x1,y1 to coordinates x2,y2 filled with colour R,G,B.

square x1,y1,s,R,G,B

Creates a square qith the top left corner at coordinates x1,y1, with side s in length, with edge of colour R,G,B.

fsquare x1,y1,s,R,G,B

Creates a square qith the top left corner at coordinates x1,y1, with side s in length, filled with colour R,G,B.

poly R,G,B,x1,y1...,xn,yn

Creates a polygon (has to be closed) through the points x1,y1 to x2,y2 to ... to xn,yn, of colour R,G,B.
Note that the colour values appear before the coordinates in this directive.

fpoly R,G,B,x1,y1...,xn,yn

Creates a polygon (has to be closed) through the points x1,y1 to x2,y2 to ... to xn,yn, filled with colour R,G,B.
Note that the colour values appear before the coordinates in this directive.

arc x1,y1,w,h,start,finish,R,G,B

Creates an arc of colour R,G,B centered at coordinates x1,y1, of width w and height h, starting at start degrees and finishing at finish degrees.

ellipse x1,y1,w,h,R,G,B

Creates an ellipse of colour R,G,B centered at coordinates x1,y1, of width w and height h.

fcircle x1,y1,d,R,G,B

Creates a circle centered at coordinates x1,y1, of diameter d, filled with colour R,G,B.

circle x1,y1,d,R,G,B

Creates a circle of colour R,G,B centered at coordinates x1,y1, of diameter d.

fill x,y,R,G,B

Flood fills with the colour R,G,B from the coordinates x,y to the edge of the area of the original color of x,y.

filltoborder x,y,R1,G1,B1,R2,B2,G2

Flood fills with colour R2,G2,B2 from x,y to the border of colour R1,G1,B1.

string R,G,B,x,y,<size>,<string>

Writes a string starting at x,y (in the colour R,G,B), of font size <size>, where size can be one of tiny (5x8), small (6x12), medium (7x13, bold), large (8x16) or giant (9x15, bold).

stringup R,G,B,x,y,<size>,<string>

Writes a string vertically starting at x,y (in the colour R,G,B), of font size <size>, where size can be one of tiny, small, medium, large or giant. The string will go up from the coordinates supplied.

copy x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,[source-filename.gif|`command`]

Copies region x1,y1 - x2,y2 of source-filename.gif or the GIF output of command to the coordinates x,y of the image being created/modified.
If x1,y1,x2,y2 are all -1, copy the entire image.

copyresized x1,y1,x2,y2,dx1,dy1,dx2,dy2,[source-filename.gif|`command`]

Copies region x1,y1 - x2,y2 of source-filename.gif or the GIF output of command to the area dx1,dy1 - dx2,dy2 of the image being created/modified, resizing the image to fit.
If x1,y1,x2,y2 are all -1, copy the entire image.

getpixel x,y

Gets the colour index of the point at x,y.

setpixel x,y,R,G,B

Sets the point at x,y to the colour R,G,B.

colourchange R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2

Changes all pixels of colour R1,G1,B1 to R2,G2,B2.

setbrush filename.gif

Sets the current "brush" to filename.gif. Subsequent directives of line, dline, rect, poly and arc will use the selected "brush" to draw their lines, until a call of killbrush.


Turns off the brush selection. Calls to line, dline, rect, poly and arc will then use the standard single-pixel width brush.

settile filename.gif

Sets the current "tile" to filename.gif. Subsequent directives of fill, and fpoly will use the selected "tile" as a fill pattern, until a call of killtile.


Turns off the tile selection. Calls to fill, filltoborder and fpoly will then use the specified colour for fills.

setstyle R1,G1,B1, R2, G2, B2, ..., Rn,Gn,Bn

Various line calls can use a style, specified by one or more colour settings for each pixel, that is repeated for the length of the "line". All subsequent directives of line, dline, rect, poly and arc will use the selected "style" to draw their lines, until a call of killstyle.


Turns off the style selection. Calls to line, dline, rect, poly and arc will then use the standard single-pixel width brush.

transparent R,G,B

Makes the colour R,G,B the transparent colour.


Returns the width of the image in pixels.


Returns the height of the image in pixels.

rotate deg

Rotates the GIF image deg degrees clockwise, where deg is 90, 180 or 270.


Makes the image output by fly an interlaced GIF.

Comments in the command file

At any point in the command file, you can insert a comment line starting with "#".


size 256,256
# start with a background fill
fill 1,1,255,255,255
# then a circle in the middle
circle 128,128,180,0,0,0


If you are using fly from within a CGI program, here are some examples:


$flyprog = "/usr/local/bin/fly";
$outfile = "temp.gif";

open(FLY,"| $flyprog -o $outfile ");
print FLY "new\n";
print FLY "size 256,256\n";
print FLY "fill 1,1,255,255,255\n";
print FLY "circle 128,128,180,0,0,0\n";
print FLY "fill 128,128,255,255,0\n";
print FLY "arc 128,128,120,120,0,180,0,0,0\n";
print FLY "circle 96,96,10,0,0,0\n";
print FLY "circle 160,96,10,0,0,0\n";
print FLY "fill 96,96,0,0,0\n";
print FLY "fill 160,96,0,0,0\n";
# test out fly!

cat > /tmp/fly.$$ <<EOD
size 256,256
fill 1,1,255,255,255
circle 128,128,180,0,0,0
fill 128,128,255,255,0
arc 128,128,120,120,0,180,0,0,0
circle 96,96,10,0,0,0
circle 160,96,10,0,0,0
fill 96,96,0,0,0
fill 160,96,0,0,0

fly -i /tmp/fly.$$ -o test.gif
Fly Scripts

You can even create your own fly "scripts"!

#!/usr/local/bin/fly -q
size 256,256
fill 1,1,255,255,255

Thanks to Andrew Finkenstadt <> for noting this unintentional feature of fly.

If you're using C, then you might as well use gd!!

Can you guess what the above examples produce? Here's the answer!

[New!] I have created a Fly Tester CGI program that lets you test fly commands quickly in a convenient interface. The program is also included in the fly distribution.


Fly on the Web

A selection of web sites using fly:

Fly Mailing Lists

I've set up two mailing list for users of fly: fly-users is a general discussion list for users of fly, and fly-announce is for important announcements, including updates and new versions of fly.

To subscribe, send a message to with no subject, and one (or both) of the following lines in the body of the message:

subscribe fly-users

subscribe fly-announce

Searchable archives of these lists are available at: <URL:>.

The Future (otherwise known as a to-do list).

I'm currently porting fly to the Macintosh. It will be an XCMD that can be used from Hypercard, MacPerl, Frontier (I think), and anything else that can use XCMDs or XFCNs.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're using fly with perl on Windows NT or Windows 95, this may be of interest to you: From:

7.3. How do I return a graphics file from a CGI script?

One of the big differences between UNIX and Win32 platforms is
that on Win32 there's a difference between text or ASCII files
and binary file. To return a graphics file, you need to specify
that the file is a binary file, and that the standard output
stream should accept binary data. Try something like this: 

    $MY_FILE_NAME = 'Penelope.jpg';
    $CHUNK_SIZE = 4096;

    open( MY_FILE, "<$MY_FILE_NAME" )
         or die( "Can't open $MY_FILE_NAME: $!\n" );

    print "Content-type: image/jpeg\r\n";
    print "\r\n";

    binmode( MY_FILE ); # These are crucial!
    binmode( STDOUT ); 

    while ( $cb = read( MY_FILE, $data, $CHUNK_SIZE ) )
        print $data;

    close( MY_FILE );


Claus Hofmann <> - see release notes for v0.95b.

John Bowe <> - better Makefile, argument parsing, quiet mode, comment lines, and other suggestions.

Jean-Louis Damez <> - Compilation of the Windows NT/95 version.

Laurent Domisse <> - Compilation of the RPC-SA version and hosting the European mirror.

Tam Siu Lung <> - see release notes for v1.5.0.

Jukka Manner <> - Code improvements and bug fixes - see release notes for v1.5.0.

Alex Ibrado <> - Compilation of the BSDI version and hosting the US mirror.

Eric Turenne <> - Compilation of the Solaris 2.5.1 version.

Peter Fosseus <> - Compilation of the SCO version.

John Mitchell <> - Bug fix for get_image routine.

Henrik S. Christensen <> - Bug fix for argument type to gdImageString and gdImageStringUp;

Igor Bilyi <> - Compilation of the OS/2 version.

Ariel Faigon <> - Makefile correction.

Shoji Mori <> - Fix for Win32 binmode problem.

Release notes

Version: 1.6.2 25th September 1998

Minor bug fix - some return codes in case of fatal errors were 0 when they should have been 1.
Addition of code for win32 binmode problem. (thanks to Shoji Mori <>)

Version: 1.6.1 9th June 1998

Minor bug fixes - get_image routine (thanks to John Mitchell <>) and argument type to gdImageString and gdImageStringUp (thanks to Henrik S. Christensen <>)

Version: 1.6.0 25th March 1998

New Commands:
ellipse - draw an ellipse, specifying origin, width and height.
colourchange - change a colour in the GIF to another colour.
rotate - rotate the GIF 90, 180 or 270 degrees.

Change: Now uses GD version 1.3. This fixes the long-standing filled polygon bug. GD 1.3 also includes a change to the method of GIF encoding (from LZW to Run Length Encoding) to avoid copyright problems with the LZW algorithm. The effect of this is that images produced by fly will be larger than they used to be. GD 1.3 also includes a number of other changes that won't affect fly users.

Version: 1.5.4 3rd February 1998

Bug fix: Wouldn't terminate if there was an 'end' directive at the very end of the input file (i.e. not followed by a 'new' or 'existing' directive). Thanks to Harold Kloosterhof <> and Chris (PGP key ID 0xC0DED00D) for reporting this bug.

Bug fix: The 'copy' and 'copyresized' bug fix of version 1.5.0 had caused another bug - 'copy' was leaving a one-pixel-wide line along the left and bottom edges of the destination region.

Bug fix: Fly would hang if there was one space after a 'new' directive. Thanks to Mark Heath <> for reporting this bug.

Version: 1.5.3 17th December 1997

Bug fix: Problems with string commands on some platforms. Thanks to Rende Luitjes <> for reporting this bug.

Minor code changes: move some #defines to beginning of lines, some pointer naming changes, moving code to make verbose output more meaningful for string directives. Thanks to Rende Luitjes <> for suggesting the changes.

Version: 1.5.2 16th December 1997

Bug fix: a line of code had gone MIA! Only affected the copy and copyresized functions.

Version: 1.5.1 15th December 1997

Removed modification of opening stdout in binary mode as it didn't work on most operating systems.

Version: 1.5.0 9th December 1997

New Feature:
With the copy and copyresized directives, you can now use the output of a command instead of a filename to import a GIF. For example:
copy 10,20,-1,-1,-1,-1,`ppmtogif image.ppm`
This feature kindly provided by Ian Reid <>

Modification: Open stdout in explicit binary mode when writing gif to stdout (for Windows NT/95 which stupidly defaults to ascii for stdout). Thanks to Andrew Rivett <>

Bug fix: when using copy and copyresized, area would be one pixel short on right and bottom sides if not using the -1,-1,-1,-1 coordinates. Thanks to Tam Siu Lung <> for reporting this bug.

Bug fix: was erroneously allowing filltoborder to be used with settile. Thanks to Jukka Manner <> for reporting this bug.

Version: 1.4.2 26th June 1997

Bug fix: error when using copyresized with -1,-1,-1,-1 coordinates.

Version: 1.4.1 29th January 1997

Bug fix: fixed fatal error on Solaris when sending output to stdout.

Version: 1.4 23rd January 1997

- Multiple GIFs from the one command file - use the new end command
- New commands: getpixel returns the colour index of a pixel; square and fsquare draw a square or filled square; fcircle draws a filled circle;
- Some extra examples in the file examples/

Version: 1.3.1 13th February 1996

- verbose output now goes to stderr rather than stdout only when gif output goes to stdout.
Bug fix: fly -h wouldn't work due to uninitialised filehandle.

Version: 1.3 23rd January 1996

Addition of comment lines and bug fixes, both contributed by John Bowe <>:
- verbose output now goes to stderr rather than stdout.
- bad first line caused core dump.

Version: 1.2 22nd January 1996

Addition of circle directive, and more examples (incl. CGI).

Version: 1.1.3 4th January 1996

Bug fix: first string directive interpreted as stringup directive on some platforms.

Version: 1.1.2 2nd January 1996

Various bug fixes for platform-specific peculiarities (BSDI, SunOS, HP/UX).

Version: 1.1.1 21st December 1995

Bugfix for quiet mode: copy and copyresized were talking when they shouldn't.

Version: 1.1 19th December 1995

Version: 1.0 24th November 1995

Release version, including support for 5 font sizes in string.

Version: 0.99b 20th November 1995

Better Makefile (thanks to John Bowe), takes into account if you already have gd installed.

Version: 0.98b 8th November 1995

Changed a calloc to a malloc due to BSDI problem.

Version: 0.97b 5th November 1995

Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Version: 0.96b 1st November 1995

Fixed major bug in polygon code.

Version: 0.95b 18th October 1995

Additions contributed by Claus Hofmann <>

Version: 0.94b 11th October 1995

1. Added support for gdImageSX, gdImageSY. 2. Added support for gdSetBrush.

Version: 0.93b 10th October 1995

Added support for gdCopyResized, for copying and scaling.

Version: 0.92b 6th October 1995

1. Added support for gdImageString, to enable writing of strings, in small or large fonts, onto GIFs created by fly.
2. Changed write out command to support OS/2
Thanks to Andreas Rudolf <>

Version: 0.91b 16th August 1995

Fixed problem reading from stdin
Thanks to Nick Kennedy <>

Version: 0.9b 12 August 1995

First Release.

Credits and license terms

fly is copyright 1995-1998, The University of Melbourne. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this work provided that this notice remains intact. Credit for using this program must be given to both The University of Melbourne and the Quest Protein Database Center, Cold Spring Harbor Labs, in all derived works. This does not affect your ownership of the derived work itself, and the intent is to assure proper credit for The University of Melbourne and Quest, not to interfere with your use of fly or gd.

("Derived works" includes all programs that utilize fly or the gd library. Credit must be given in user-visible documentation.)

If you want to mirror this page, ask for my permission first.

Created:       21st June 1995
Last modified: 25th September 1998
Access:        Unrestricted.
Copyright © 1995-1998 The University of Melbourne.

Martin Gleeson,

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