Draft agenda for the Syracuse BBH meeting Talks given by: Abrahams, Alcubierre, Cook, Choptuik, Evans, Gomez,Haupt, Huq, Klasky, Laguna, Marsa, Matzner, Parashar, Saied, Scheel, Wiseman Wenesday, November 6 Time Title Speaker(s)/ Chair 8:15 Opening (Syracuse) Klasky 8:30 Current Alliance Status Matzner 9:00 Current 3D code status Laguna 9:30 Break 10:00 Report on the Empire code, including Cook, Scheel the current problems with the progress for this code. 11:00 Report on the ADM code Klasky, Huq including the current problems with the progress for this code. 12:00 Lunch 1:30 "Coorindate Shocks" in hyperbolic gauges Alcubierre 2:30 Report of the Outer Boundary Gomez, Abrahams,Laguna 3:30 Break 4:00 Report on the Inner Boundary and Shift conditions Evans 5:00 Initial data Reports Cook, Wiseman 5:30 End of afternoon reports 6:00 Planned Dinner (Haupt, Klasky) 7:00 PI session Thursday, November 7 8:30 DAGH Parashar, Browne, Haupt, Marsa 9:30 Compositional Interface Haupt 10.00 Break 10:30 AMR support (inc. i/o, visualization and stability Choptuik around interfaces) 11:30 Elliptic Solver support Saied 12:00 Lunch 1:30 Computational resource requirement Klasky 2:00 Library and Web pages Haupt 2:30 Break 3:00 Working/planning session Matzner 5:00 Advisory commitee report 6:00 End