Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) Graduate Student Agreement Form

 Date:   Jan. 19th    1999

 Name:    Sangyoon Oh

 Mailing Address:    222 Village Dr. #3
                                        Syracuse, NY   13206

 Email address:

 Gender:   Male

 Citizenship:    Korean (ROK)

 (eg US National, Indian, Chinese, Polish, German, Egyptian, Turkish, Scottish, Australian... )

Visa Status:    F1

 (eg J1, H1,..., US National)


 SU Academic Department affiliation:    CIS

 (eg Physics, CIS,...)

 Degrees earned:  Bachelor of Engineering from SungKyunKwan University    ( Feb.  1995 )

 (Name of Institution and Date awarded)

 Current Academic Status at SU:    doing Master of Science 

 (eg doing masters, doing PhD)

 Date Course Work Started:   Aug. 1997 ( Fall of 1997 )

  Anticipated Comprehensive Examination Date:    N/A

 Anticipated Masters graduation Date:    May. 15th   1999

 Anticipated PhD graduation Date:

 Total Number of Tuition Hours to Complete Current Degree:    3 credit

 Number of Tuition Hours needed for Fall:

 Number of Tuition Hours needed for Spring:    3 credit

 Number of Tuition Hours needed for Summer:

 Name of NPAC Project leader:    Dr. Marek Podgorny

 (the NPAC person mainly associated with you and your work)

 Full Name of Academic Advisor:    Dr. Jeoffrey Fox.

 Full Name of Thesis/Dissertation Director:

 Full Names of Thesis/Dissertation Committee Members:

 List all Completed SU Courses and Grade Earned:

    CIS 521 : Discrete Math. And Data Structure     (B+)
    CIS 655 : Computer Architecture                           (A-)
    CIS 657 : Operating System                                      (B+)
    CIS 675 : Analysis of Algorithms                             (A-)
    CIS 623 : Structured Progrmaming and Formal Method         (A-)
    CPS 606 : Computation Method and Information System       (A-)
    CIS 554 : Object Oriented Programming C++                            (B+)
    CSE 762 : Distributed System                                                          (B+)
    CSE 682 : Software Engineering                                                    (A)
    CIS 690: Independent Study
 List all SU Courses you EXPECT to Take:

 List your PhD Reading List (if applicable):

 Dissertation Topic / Title:

 (State whether this a Masters or Thesis Dissertation) 

 Career Goals:

 (Please specify: Type of position sought eg computer applications area or computer development area; type of environment sought eg academia, research lab, industry and location eg USA, home country or other country)

  Areas of your specialization:

 (eg software, hardware, systems, algorithms, more detail if possible...indicate what you are good at and interested in)

 Project assignments:

 (Describe any special duties that you have outside thesis work that are currently assigned to you, eg Mosaic, HPFA, foils developement, software development for parallel systems, please give as much detail as possible...)

 On what NPAC Main project(s) are you currently working:    Tango

  Name of associated NPAC project leader(s):    Dr. Marek Podgorny

 On what NPAC Service activities are you currently working:  Mail Interface

 Name of associated NPAC project leaders:   Konrad Olszewski

 List other NPAC activities you have worked on in the past which are not covered above:

 Name of associated NPAC project leaders:

 Type of research you expect to be working on for the next semester:

 (describe giving as much detail as possible)


 Any expected absences during the academic year:

 (please describe reason and give dates where possible)



 (Take the printed form to these people for their signatures)


 NPAC Project Leader:

 Thesis Dissertation Director:


 Academic Advisor:


 NPAC Director:


Please keep this online form up to date. (It is suggested you review it every month or so).