USING IMAGES IN OTHER COMMUNIQUE! TOOLS After you have captured an image from video you can copy it to the OpenDVE Clipboard where Communique! tools and other applications supporting the OpenDVE Cliboard will be able use it. 1. From the Video Tool's Edit menu select Copy(OpenDVE). The image will be copied into the OpenDVE Clipboard. Since the OpenDVE Clipboard can hold only one image at a time, any previous contents will be overwritten. The image is now available in the OpenDVE Clipboard and can be pasted into any application supporting the OpenDVE Clipboard. You can place the image in the Communique! White Board or Graphics Tool, for example. 2. From the Edit menu of the application where you want to use the image, select Paste (OpenDVE). The image will appear in the application. A copy of the image will remain in the OpenDVE Clipboard until it is overwritten by another Copy(OpenDVE) command.