testfile = new File("/home/T11D/tapulika/LW/test1.html"); x = testfile.open("r | w | r+ "); if (!x ) write("Error in opening file "); else write("No Problem"); y = testfile.getPosition(); write("
The default position is "+ y+ ""); a= testfile.setPosition(2); write("The number of bytes before is "+ testfile.getLength()+ "" ); testfile.write("This is a test") write("The number of bytes after is "+ testfile.getLength()+ "" ); if (testfile.error() != 0) write("error in file operations "); write ("
The first 80 bytes are "+testfile.read(80) + ""); write("
The next line is "+testfile.readln()+""); a= testfile.setPosition(0); if (!a) write ("Not successful in setting to the first"); testfile.close()