From Wed Aug 28 11:46:37 1996 Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 11:45:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Hasan T Ozdemir To: Sangeeta Aggarwal Subject: Re: LiveConnect Hi, The WWW address of LiveConnect is And you can check the following links for further information 1. (Hello Worl example applet) 2. Simple JavaScript --> Java Applet Communication 3. JavaScript is on one frame and the JavaScript is in another frame on the same page ( still JavaScript --> Java Applet ) 4. Java Applet <--> JavaScript communication sample. Note that : but1 : invokes JavaScript's alert() method. but2 : invokes a function inside the JavaScript and accidentally this function is also using the alert() function. Therefore, it is not clear that these two buttons have different functions. These are the examples that I implemented. I am open to suggestions about clear small examples. It is easy to use as long as you use NetscapeX browser such that X>=3. I am going to prepare a page which is going to include all these examples and further explanations about this package. See you! H. Timucin OZDEMIR On Wed, 28 Aug 1996, Sangeeta Aggarwal wrote: > > hi > > could you tell me where to find examples, documentation etc for this? > have you written your some examples yourself? > > Thank you > Sangeeta >