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Prepared by Hasan Timucin OZDEMIR

Wed Sep 18 09:02:56 EDT 1996

2. Calculate the delaunay diagram by using both of two sets. The edges of delaunay diagram is the nearest neighbor of the point. Then we search the edges whose endpoints are came from the different sets and the length is minimum. Since we can find the delaunay diagram in and we can find the minimum length edge in time.

3. Let , , then

The vertical distance will be the distance between two points and such that has the same coordinate value but is on the L(i,j). Thus,

So the vertical distance

Let's look at the distance value in dual plane. We need to figure out L(i,j,k) on the primal plane,

Since L(i,j,k) is parallel to L(i,j)

Let's find the value of b. Since is on L(i,j,k), should satisfy the line equation


Since these two points are on the same x-coordinate value then the vertical distance

Since and are equal, the claim is correct.

4. We know that if L intersects a polygon P, some of the points on the polygon is one side of line L and some of the points on the polygon is another side of the line L. If we map point (a,b) to line y=ax+b and line y=ax+b to point (-a,b). Then this mapping provides the following

Property : A point is to the left of a line if and only if the dual line is to the left of the dual point.

n-vertex of convex polygon P in the primal plane defines a convex polygon in the dual plane. Since the point-line relationship in the primal plane still holds in the dual plane as a line-point relationship. Thus, the problem turns out to be a point location in the dual plane. We can do this test in in time, then the algorithm looks like the following


convert each vertex of the polygon in the primal plane to lines in the dual plane and build the convex polygon in the dual plane. ()
build the DAG representation of the Kirkpatrick's method in dual plane. ()

Query of given line L

calculate the corresponding point of line L in the dual plane.
find out whether this point is in the convex polygon or not in the dual plane by using DAG representation. ()

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Hasan T Ozdemir
Wed Sep 18 09:02:47 EDT 1996