High Performance
Programming Interfaces
Browser Technology
Human Interfaces
Large-Scale Databases
Authors: S. Djurcilov and A. Pang
Presenting: TBA
We describe our efforts in providing REINAS weather visualization products on demand through the web. As the REINAS research enterprise transitions into operational mode, there is increasing demand for effective distribution of results. To meet this demand, we provide weather products on the web as both images and VRML worlds. The viewer selects geographic extents and time range, as well as specific weather products. Data is then pulled out of the database based on the user's specifications and fed to the visualization tools to prduce the image or VRML file. This paper describes the architecture of the end-to-end system for delivering sensor and forecast data through the database and to the public as visualization products.
HP #2
Efficient Dynamics Modeling for VRML and JAVA
Authors: Stephen Chenney, Jeffrey Ichnowski, David Forsyth
Presenting: TBA
Animating a world through dynamical systems rather than keyframing is a desirable yet computationally expensive approach. To avoid unnecessary computation, we present techniques for culling dynamical systems, and describe tools for automating much of the required work. A model of how viewers predict future state forms the basis of our approach, and from this we identify methods for generating dynamic state while ensuring that viewer's predictions are satisfied - ensuring consistency. Our tools take as input a description of a dynamical system, and produce an alternate description that may be efficiently and consistently culled. We also describe an interactive modeler in which authors attach dynamic variables to geometric transformations, allowing the modular re-use of dynamical systems. Together, our tools enable numbers of complex dynamic models to be included in VRML worlds while maintaining high frame rates and with minimal effort by a world's author.
HP #3
Surface Partitions for Progressive Transmission and
Display, and Dynamic Simplification of Polygonal Surfaces
Authors: Andre Gueziec, Francis Lazarus and Gabriel Taubin
Presenting: TBA
We present a new method for (1) automatically generating multiple Levels Of Detail (LODs) of a polygonal surface, (2) progressively loading, or transmitting, and displaying a surface, and for (3) changing interactively the LOD when displaying. We build the LODs using any algorithm that performs edge collapses and certain vertex removals to simplify surfaces, and provides an ordered list of ordered vertex pairs (edge collapse specifications). We propose a Surface Partition for encoding surface LODs: we define vertex and triangle levels during simplification; vertices and triangles are partitioned and sorted according to their level, and are passed to the display algorithm in decreasing level order, one level at a time, together with a vertex representatives array. Each level of vertices and triangles, together with higher levels and the vertex representatives, form a valid surface. We propose a data structure using a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for recording a partial ordering among edge collapses, and varying the LODs across the surface.
Moderator: Mike Macedonia
Schedule: Wednesday Feb 18th 10:30am-12:00 noon
PI #1
Building OpenWorlds
Authors: Paul J. Diefenbach, Prakash Mahesh, and Daniel Hunt
Presenting: TBA
This paper discusses the history and design decisions behind OpenWorlds, the first C++ toolkit for VRML 2.0 integration. OpenWorlds is a highly extensible set of libraries which handles VRML scene graphs, various scripting languages including Java, prototyping, and event routing. OpenWorlds was purposely designed to be easily incorporated in many software systems, to run on different platforms, to used with various graphics libraries, and to perform many functions.OpenWorlds is a trademark of DRAW Computing
PI #2
VSPLUS: A High-Level Multi-User Extension Library for Interactive VRML Worlds
Author: Yoshiaki Araki
Presenting: Yoshiaki Araki
In this paper, we introduce the design and implementation of VSPLUS, a high-level multi-user extension library to enable people to simultaneously manipulate interactive VRML worlds over networks. The key consideration of the VSPLUS design is the ease of creations of multi-user worlds from single-user standard VRML worlds without extensive programming efforts. The library is implemented on the Community Place system and evaluated with practical contents.
PI #3
DWTP: An Internet Protocol for Shared Virtual Environments
Author: Wolfgang Broll
Presenting: Wolfgang Broll
VRML has brought 3D objects and virtual worlds to a large number of Internet users. While it provides a suitable basis for the platform independent description of virtual worlds, an appropriate network architecture required to realize shared virtual worlds on the Internet is still an open issue. In this paper we will introduce DWTP (the Distributed Worlds Transfer and communication Protocol). DWTP is an application layer protocol for shared virtual environments on the Internet. It provides a scalable network architecture for large-scale distributed virtual worlds.
Authors: J. Dauner, J. Landauer, E. Stimpfig, D. Reuter
Presenting: TBA
VRML offers a high potential for product presentation: Instead of regarding flat, static pictures, configurable and animated 3D models embedded in entertaining environments provide a new way of product presentation. But seriously using VRML for this application domain means facing several challenges. We discuss these issues by using the Virtual Design Exhibition as a showcase. In this exhibition seven interior design companies show products with high aesthetic quality. We discuss how these aesthetics influence the VRML presentation and give some guidelines resulting from our experience.
Authors: G. U. Carraro, M. Cortes, J. Edmark, J.R. Ensor
Presenting: G. U. Carraro
Peloton is an experiment to discover ways to build multi-user virtual reality systems using VRML. This paper describes Peloton and discusses its implementation. The discussion focuses on how Peloton virtual worlds are generated from topological data, how its large worlds are segmented, how it uses level of detail to present simulation status summaries, how cameras and third-party viewpoints are managed, how multi-user shared environments are created and maintained, and how unconventional input/output devices are incorporated.
Authors: T. Regan
Presenting: Dr. Tim Regan
Inhabited TV Last year BT made over 24 billion dollars from telecommunications. But this is not a paper about telephones. We are interested in technologies that support communities. One of those is Shared VRML Worlds, the Living Worlds of my title.
Authors: Keith Andrews, Andreas Pesendorfer, Michael Pichler, Karl Heinz Wagenbrunn, Josef Wolte
Presenting: TBA
This paper presents an inside look into the VRwave VRML97 browser, discussing its internal architecture and some of the insights we have gained during its development. VRwave is written largely in Java and is freely available in source code. A Java layer atop OpenGL provides 3d graphics output. In terms of look and feel, VRwave has a similar interface to the VRweb VRML 1.0 browser. VRwave also supports the Java External Authoring Interface (EAI), allowing it to be driven by an external program.
Authors: Masaaki Taniguchi
Presenting: TBA
VRML 2.0 allows a content creator to control dynamic state change in a virtual reality world by defining the routes of message streams over VRML 2.0 nodes. Although the VRML 2.0 specification defines a conceptual model of the event processing, it does not describe its implementation in detail. Conceptually, an event should be delivered to its destinations instantaneously, which makes a browser implementation difficult in route connections that involve complicated requirements such as simultaneous events in multiple fields of a node, or cyclic dependencies between nodes. This paper describes a method we have implemented in our VRML browser, which is designed so that event processing can handle complicated route connections.
Authors: Randy Stiles, Sandeep Tewari, Mihir Mehta, Laurie McCarthy
Presenting: TBA
This paper describes a suggested extension to the VRML standard that allows for free-form manipulation of objects while immersed in a virtual environment. We discuss our implementation of TransformSensors and SnapSensors, for both single and two-handed manipulation of objects. Free-form manipulation of objects isa necessary prerequisite to our work in applying virtual environments to training. We are supporting operations and maintenance training on CAD-derived shipboard equipment, where it is a common task to pull objects out, assemble them, and snap or plug them into assemblies.
Authors: Sean Ellis
Presenting: Sean Ellis
While many pleasing effects are possible using the current VRML sound model, it falls short of producing convincing aural environments. Sound sources are not easily affected by their environment, and workarounds for this often increase file sizes dramatically. This paper presents possible methods for defining additional sound cues in such a way as to allow rendering of ambience, time-of-flight delays, and Doppler shifts within the limited processor power afforded by typical VRML browser systems. The proposed system will be easily scaleable to any number of sound sources and environmental parameters at any time. In addition, identification of aurally less important elements can be made simple and automatic, allowing dynamic load balancing with other tasks.
Authors: Galia Givaty, Hendrik A.H.C. van Veen, Chris Christou and
Heinrich H. Bülthoff
Presenting: TBA
This paper describes an application of VRML-based multimedia to the domain of spatial cognition experiments. Typically, such experiments involve human subjects that are presented with graphical stimuli in a laboratory setup. Larger numbers of subjects and stimuli give more weight to the outcomes of the experiment, but in practice the number of subjects is limited by practicalities like time constraints. This paper describes a way to escape this limitation: use the Internet to bring the experiment to the subject instead of the other way around. We are developing a web page with psychophysical experiments, using VRML as a means for presenting high-level three-dimensional graphics to simulate the conditions of a laboratory experiment. The results of the experiments are automatically accumulated, enabling us to extend the coverage of the experiments considerably. The paper details the application, highlighting technical aspects of the problems encountered and the solutions taken to overcome them.
Authors: Michael Abernathy, Sam Shaw
Presenting: TBA
This paper describes some of the practical considerations in integrating three classes of geographic data into VRML models: topography, satellite and aerial imagery, and GPS data. In 1997, we constructed what may be the world's first VRML model of a relay racecourse integrating these classes of information. We summarize the lessons learned from building the models, and from presenting the models to users (in this case the runners). The evidence is that VRML is a potentially excellent (probably the best) medium in which to convey this information, and we present some ideas on how VRML may fulfill it s geographic potential.
Authors: Dace Campbell
Presenting: TBA
Developers of VRML and proponents of technology in the architecture/engineering/construction (AEC) industry alike proclaim the benefits of communicating design in three dimensions using the World Wide Web. While the benefits of moving towards a "paperless " design and construction industry are clear, there are many obstacles -- technical, legal, and infrastructural -- which prevent us from doing so today. VRML, with the WWW, offers an clear opportunity to communicate one's design intent throughout the arch itectural design process. In this paper, we discuss the way our construction documents were developed in VRML, the issues we faced implementing [a prototype, experimental Web site,] and critical feedback from the users of the Web space/site. Finally, we s uggest ways to enhance the VRML specification which would enable its widespread use as a communication tool in the design and construction industries.
Authors: Volker Coors and Volker Jung
Presenting: TBA
In its current state, VRML does not provide support for interaction and on-line access to databases, even though these are two fundamental issues for business applications. We have created GOOVI-3D, a prototype system that provides access and interaction with a 3-D spatial database over the WWW. GOOVI-3D is implemented in Java and VRML using CORBA for accessing the data warehouse. In an urban planning application, GOOVI-3D is used to interact with 3-D models of the city of Frankfurt. Building on the experience with GOOVI-3D, we propose two lightweight extensions of VRML that can make the development of business applications much easier: An integrated name dictionary management and a SQL node.
Papers will be published in the VRML98 Proceedings, provided to attendees. After February 1998, the VRML98 Proceedings can also be purchased from ACM while supplies last.
For questions or comments regarding papers, please contact vrm98-papers@ece.uwaterloo.ca