Object Web (Java/CORBA) based RTI to support Metacomputing M&S G. C. Fox, W. Furmanski+ and H. T. Ozdemir Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY Abstract submitted for the First Annual ITEA Workshop on High Performance Computing in Support for Test and Evaluation, July 13-16 1998, Aberdeen MD. Simulation environments for T&E require integration of several M&S software modules, including simulators for tested objects, their parts, and suitable synthetic environments they operate in and interact with. Such integration of diverse simulation paradigms will be soon most conveniently performed within the new High Level Architecture (HLA) promoted by DMSO to enforce DoD-wide simulation interoperability. HLA includes the object models specified by the Object Model Template (OMT) and the Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI), acting as a software bus that supports interaction between HLA objects (federates) within applications (federations). In parallel with these developments in the DoD M&S, new Web/Commodity standards are emerging or consolidating in the area of distributed objects and componentware such as CORBA, Java/RTI and DCOM. Current HLA is a custom distributed object model but DMSO's longer range plan includes transferring HLA to industry as CORBA Facility for Modeling and Simulation. Anticipating these developments, we are currently building within our HPCMP FMS PET activities at NPAC an Object Web based RTI prototype which builds on top of our new JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) middleware/integration technology under development. JWORB is a multi-protocol Java network server, currently integrating HTTP (Web) and IIOP (CORBA) and hence acting both as a Web server and a CORBA broker. Such server architecture enforces software economy and allows us to efficiently prototype new interactive Web standards such as XML, DOM or RDF in terms of a solid software engineering services and facilities of CORBA. We are now testing this concept and extending JWORB functionality by building RTI support as a JWORB service. Such Object Web RTI uses Common Object Services of CORBA such as Naming, Event, Relationship, Notification etc. to build the core RTI objects such as RTIAmbassador, FederateAmbassador, RTIExecutive and FederationExecutive, using the Web/Java implementation framework. Due to the Web/CORBA integration enabled by JWORB, we will be able to inherit the growing arsenal of the Web/Commodity front-end technologies such as Java2D, Java3D or VRML. We are also working on CORBA/COM bridge support in JWORB which will enable interfaces to Microsoft graphics and multimedia technologies such as DirectX. Such a broad spectrum of commodity visualization techniques, integrated with the simulation engine/bus of RTI is of particular relevance for the T&E simulations that require a variety of front-end technologies to support object authoring, scenario development, runtime monitors and the analysis of the test databases. Other JWORB related activites at NPAC include: a) new version of WebFlow, a visual dataflow authoring environment for 3-tier Web/Commodity based distributed computing, which uses the JWORB based middleware; and b) JWORB interface/wrappers for Globus Metacomputing Toolkit by Argonne, used in several HPC Labs. Hence, our JWORB based RTI will offer a natural integration platform for bringing together the HLA and HPC domains in service for advanced T&E applications such as Virtual Prototyping or Simulation Based Acquisition. This paper will present the overview of NPAC JWORB activities, followed by the description of the early prototype of JWORB based RTI and the associated demos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Contact information: Wojtek Furmanski, 201 Physics Bldg., Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1130, voice (315) 443-3891, fax (315) 449-9103, email: furm@npac.syr.edu