Chapter 4. Classification
Questions List
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1. The Importance of Proper Classification
What is the relation between classification and object-oriented development?
Why is classification difficult?
2. Identifying Classes and Objects
What kinds of approaches are there in classification?
How to use the classification approaches to OO design?
What kind of methodologies are there to find classes and objects?
3. Key Abstractions and Mechanisms
What is a key abstraction?
How to find a key abstraction?
What is a mechanism?
How to find a mechanism?
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1. The Importance of Proper Classification
What is the relation between classification and object-oriented development?
(Ref: 4.1, p.146, p.167)
The identification of classes and objects is the fundamental issue and
the hardest part of object-oriented analysis and design.
Classification is fundamentally
a problem of finding sameness, which helps to identify
generalization, specialization and aggregation
hierarchies among classes. Classification also guides us in
making decisions about modularization.
The nature of classification is an incremental and iterative process.
Why is classification difficult?
(Ref: 4.1, p.150)
There are two important reasons for this:
- There is no such thing as a perfect classification, although
certainly some classifications are better than others. Any
classification is relative to the perspective of the observer
doing the classification.
- Intelligent classification requires a tremendous amount of creative
insight. Sometimes the answer is evident, sometimes it is a
matter of taste, and at other times, the selection of suitable
components is a crucial point in the analysis.
2. Identifying Classes and Objects
What kinds of approaches are there in classification?
(Ref: 4.2, p.150)
Historically, there have only been three general approaches to
- Classical categorization
In this approach, all the entities that have a given property
or collection of properties in common form a category. Such
properties are necessary and sufficient to define the category.
For example,
- Married people constitute a category: one is either married
of not, and the value of this property is sufficient to decide
to which group a particular person belongs.
- Tall people do not form a category, unless we can agree to some
absolute criteria for what distinguishes the property of
tall from short.
To summarize, this approach uses related properties as the
criteria for sameness among object. However, as the second
example in the above suggests, this is not always satisfactory.
- Conceptual clustering
This is a more modern variation of the classical approach.
In this approach, classes are generated by first formulating
conceptual descriptions of these classes and then classifying
the entities according to the description. For example,
- We may state a concept such as a love song.
- This is a concept more than a property, for the love songess
of any song is not something that may be measured empirically.
- However, we decide that a certain song is more of a love song
than not, we place it in this category.
Thus conceptual clustering represents more of a probabilistic
clustering of objects.
- Prototype theory
There are still some situations in which the above two approaches
are inadequate. This leads us to the more recent approach to
classification called prototype theory. In this classification,
a class of objects is represented by a prototypical object, and
an object is considered to be a member of this class if and only if
it resembles this prototype in significant way. For example,
- We understand beanbag chairs, barber chairs, and contour chairs
as being chairs.
- This is not because these chairs share some fixed set
of defining properties.
- But this is because each, in its different way, is sufficiently
close to the prototype of the chair.
In conceptual clustering, we group things according to distinct concepts.
In prototype theory, we group things according to the degree of their
relationship to concrete prototypes.
How to use the classification approaches to OO design?
(Ref: 4.2, p.154)
From practician's view point, the classification approaches in
Q2.1 seems to be far removed from reality.
However, these approaches have direct application to object-oriented
- In our experience, we identify classes and objects first according
to the properties relevant to our particular domain. Here, we focus
upon identifying the structures and behavior that are part of the
vocabulary of our problem space. This is the classical
categorization approach.
- If the above approach fails to yield a satisfactory class structure,
then we next consider conceptual clustering. Here, we focus
our attention upon the behavior of collaborating objects.
- If either of the above approaches fails to capture our understanding
of our the problem domain, then we consider classification by
association, through which clusters of objects are defined according
to how closely each resembles some prototypical object (prototype
What kind of methodologies are there to find classes and objects?
(Ref: 4.2, p.155)
Booch defines the object-oriented analysis and design as follows:
- Analysis
In the object-oriented analysis, we seek to model the world by
discovering the classes and objects that form the vocabulary of
problem domain.
- Design
In the object-oriented design, we invent the abstractions and
mechanisms that provide the behavior that the model established
in the analysis.
There are a number of proven approaches (methodologies) for analysis
that are relevant to object-oriented systems.
- Classical Approaches
In these approaches, classes and objects are derived from the
requirements of the problem domain. These are called classical
because they derive primary from the principles of classical
categorization. FOe example, Shlaer and Mellor suggest that
candidate classes and objects usually come from one of the
following sources:
- Tangible things: Cars, telemetry data, pressure sensors
- Roles: Mother, teacher, politician
- Events: Landing, interrupt, request
- Interactions: Loan, meeting, intersection
- Behavior Analysis
These approaches focus upon dynamic behavior as the primary source of
classes and objects. These are more akin to conceptual clustering:
we form classes based upon groups of objects that exhibit similar
behavior. We group things that have common responsibilities,
and form hierarchies of classes involving superclasses that embody
general responsibilities and subclasses that specialize their behavior.
Here responsibilities means the knowledge an object maintains
and the actions an object can perform.
- Domain Analysis
Domain analysis is defined as an attempt to identify the objects,
operations, and relationships that domain experts perceive to be
important about the domain. For example,
- Construct a strawman generic model of the domain by consulting
with domain experts.
- Examine existing systems within the domain and represent this
understanding in a common format.
- Identify similarities and differences between the systems by
consulting with domain experts.
- Refine the generic model to accommodate existing system.
- Use-Case Analysis
Use-case is defines as:
- a particular form or pattern or exemplar of usage,
- a scenario that begins with some user of the system
initiating some transaction or sequence of interrelated events.
Briefly, we can apply use-case analysis as early as
requirements analysis. A typical steps in this analysis are:
- End users, other domain experts, and the development team
enumerate the scenarios that are fundamental to the
system's operation. These scenarios collectively describe
the system functions of the application.
- Analysis then proceeds by a study of each scenario, using
storyboarding techniques similar to practices in the television
and movie industry.
- As the team walks through each scenario, they must identify
the objects that participate in the scenario, the responsibilities
of each object, and how these objects collaborate with other
object, in terms of the operations each invokes upon the other.
- CRC Cards
CRC cards have emerged as a simple yet marvelously effective
way to analyze scenarios. A CRC card is nothing more than
3x5 index card, upon which the analyst writes the name of a class,
its responsibilities and its collaborators. One card is created
for each class identified as relevant to the scenario.
CRC cards can be spatially arranged to represent patterns of
collaboration. As viewed from the dynamic semantics of the
scenario, the cards are arranged to show the flow of messages
among prototypical instances of each class. As viewed from
static semantics of the scenario, the cards are arranged to
represent generalization/specialization or aggregation
hierarchies among the classes.
- Informal English Description
In this approach a user writes an English description of the problem
and then underlines the nouns and verbs. The nouns represent
candidate objects, and the verbs represent candidate operations
upon them. However, it is by no means a rigorous approach. For
example, any noun can be verbed, and nay verb can be nouned.
- Structured Analysis
This approach uses the products of structured analysis as a
front end to object-oriented analysis. Booch discourage to
use this approach.
3. Key Abstractions and Mechanisms
What is a key abstraction?
(Ref: 4.3, p.162)
A key abstraction is a class or object that forms part of
the vocabulary of the problem domain. The primary value of identifying
such abstractions is that they give boundaries to our problem: they
highlight the things that are in the system and therefore relevant to
our design, and suppress the things that are outside the system and
therefore superfluous.
The identification of key abstractions is highly domain-specific. The
appropriate choice of objects depends, of course, on the purpose to
which the application will be put and the granularity of information
to be manipulated.
How to find a key abstraction?
(Ref: 4.3, p.162)
The identification of key abstractions involves two processes:
- Discovery
Through this, we come to recognize the abstractions used by
domain experts. If the domain experts talks about it, then the
abstraction is usually important.
(Memo: These abstractions are stable and don't change with time.
This is the process in the analysis.)
- Invention
Through this, we create new classes and objects that are not
necessarily part of the problem domain, but are useful artifacts
in the design or implementation. These abstractions are artifacts
of the particular design, not the problem domain.
(Memo: These abstractions are not stable and may change when
the design changed. This is the process in the design.)
Booch recommend the use of scenarios to drive the processes
of identifying classes and objects (key abstractions).
What is a mechanism?
(Ref: 4.3, p.164)
A mechanism is a structure whereby objects collaborate to
provide some behavior that satisfies a requirement of the problem.
Whereas the design of a class embodies the knowledge of how individual
objects behave, a mechanism is a design decision about how
collections of objects cooperate.
How to find a mechanism?
(Ref: 4.3, p.165)
For example, consider a system requirement for an automobile. Pushing
the accelerator should cause the engine to run faster, and releasing
the accelerator should cause the engine to run slower. How this
actually comes about is absolutely immaterial to the driver. Any
mechanism may be employed as long as it delivers the required
behavior, and thus which mechanism is selected is largely a matter
of design choice.