7. Java-CORBA combination:


Java's multi-threading support allows any programmer write multi-threaded client-server programs easily. This feature pushed a lot of developers to write web-based distributed software based on proprietary server protocols. Each server has a specific computational role like an object. When we look at the CORBA, this framework defines server objects based on distributed object technology and instead of preparing a message and sending through the network, programmer just calls the appropriate method on the remote/local object (location transparency) without knowing network details. This high-level abstraction capability is definitely an answer for the future distributed solutions.


Since Java has an inverse mapping to IDL, a programmer stays in the Java environment during the software development. Java-CORBA implementations can run on thin network computers and low-end consumer devices because of their low-complexity and footprint. Java's mobile byte code and CORBA's Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) simplifies upgrades of clients' software in large distributed systems. Java and CORBA combination truly provide the right building blocks for a distributed object computing such as platform-independence, strong security model etc. in Java language and static and dynamic interfaces, synchronous and asynchronous method calls with the comprehensive set of CORBA Facilities and Services in CORBA.

These factors should allow the CORBA/IIOP-Java combination to assume a central role in shaping the Internet during the next phase of its evolution, besides having a profound impact on several areas of Web-Computing including multi-user collaboratory environments. Here we try to summarize the CORBA Event Service and the similarities between JSDA Channel and Event Channel is obvious.