From Thu Sep 24 14:51:05 1998 Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 14:09:31 -0400 (EDT) From: Wojtek Furmanski To: Hasan Timucin Ozdemir Cc: Wojtek Furmanski Subject: Websim (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 13:51:25 -0400 From: Geoffrey Fox To: Subject: Websim Geoffrey Fox, Director of NPAC and Professor of Physics and Computer Science Phone 3154432163 (Npac central 3154431723) Fax 3154434741 ------- Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 13:22:23 -0400 From: (Web Simulation) To: Subject: WMC 99 author kit (advance copy) Dear WEBSIM Organizers: The WMC'99 Author Kit (text file) follows this message. The hard copy of author kits will ALL have been mailed by close of business today (domestic via UPS; overseas via DHL). Please use this file to speed delivery to anxious authors and those who do not receive the hard copy (it happens every year). Those authors using this email version will need to contact me for their "SCS Paper Code #". One question: Will there be more abstracts coming or is the program complete? Thank you for your efforts. Steve Branch WMC Conference Manager ( ========================================================================= AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS 1999 Western MultiCONFERENCE January 17-21, 1999 Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, California PLEASE REVIEW THIS MATERIAL CAREFULLY. IT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT HAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BEEN INCLUDED IN OTHER SCS AUTHOR KITS. Please direct inquiries and correspondence regarding WMC 99 Proceedings to the SCS office. For registration and conference information see the registration form in this kit or contact the SCS office at The Society for Computer Simulation International 4838 Ronson Court, Suite L , San Diego, CA 92111-1800 Tel 619-277-3888 FAX 619-277-3930 E-mail SCS Paper Code _____________________________ Primary Author _________________________________________ Paper Title _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ DUE DATE October 30, 1998 I am pleased to inform you that your above-referenced paper has been accepted for presentation at this conference and for printing in the conference Proceedings. ACCEPTANCE IS CONDITIONAL UPON OUR RECEIVING YOUR FINAL CAMERA-READY PAPER BY THE DATE ABOVE AND A PAID AUTHOR REGISTRATION FOR AT LEAST ONE OF THE AUTHORS OF EACH PAPER, AND ON A FINAL REVIEW OF THE CAMERA-READY PAPER. If your work must be cleared or approved before publication by your institution, company, or governmental agency, please be sure that process will be completed by the due date above or we will not be able to include it in the conference Proceedings. If the paper is not approved by that date, you can discuss the possibility of presenting it as a late paper with your Conference Chairman. PLEASE NOTE: PAPERS CANNOT BE PUBLISHED IF PAYMENT (OR A PURCHASE ORDER) IS NOT RECEIVED BY THE CAMERA-READY DUE DATE. The enclosed author kit is provided to aid you in preparing your paper for publication in the Proceedings which will be distributed at the conference. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. PAGE LIMITS =97 The page limit for manuscripts is six (6) pages (included in the author registration fee). Additional pages will be assessed at $75 per page. Please see the enclosed registration form for any further registration information. MULTIPLE PAPERS =97 If you are presenting multiple papers please see enclosed author registration form for further information. We have enclosed some guidelines you will find helpful as you prepare your oral presentation for the conference. Please note the list of audio-visual equipment which will be available for your use at the conference. If you require any other equipment, you must advise us well in advance and you are responsible for the cost. We will try to accommodate your needs without extra cost to you, but special orders may be charged directly to you. ITEMS WHICH MUST ACCOMPANY FINAL PAPER SUBMISSIONS MANUSCRIPT Your manuscript of six (6) pages or less in required format, on high-quality bond paper. Manuscripts exceeding the page limits will only be accepted with payment of the excess page charge of U.S. $75 per page. PHOTOCOPIES Four (4) photocopies must be included with the original manuscript. (There is a U.S. $2.00 per page copying fee, if the copies are not sent with the manuscript. For example, if your manuscript is 6 pages, the copying fee for 4 copy sets would be $48.00). REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYMENT Payment of the fees is a requirement of having your paper published in the proceedings. If your paper and your payment are being processed separately, please include a note with registration form indicating such. The Advance Registration fee is associated with publication of the paper and is NOT REFUNDABLE, but is transferable to the designee who will present your paper at the conference. Authors of published manuscripts must pay the full registration fee. POSTCARD Please legibly print your address on the enclosed postcard. It will be returned to you to acknowledge receipt of your paper. TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT FORM We require as a condition for acceptance of papers that all authors execute the copyright transfer to Simulation Councils, Inc.., the name under which The Society for Computer Simulation International is incorporated. Please note that by signing the form you are simply giving your permission to SCS to publish the paper. For this reason, there is no problem if the material is already in the public domain, such as work done with government support. The Society for Computer Simulation International controls the commercial use of material we publish, while you or your company retain the right to reuse the work, in whole or in part. SPECIAL A/V REQUESTS Please take a moment to include this information with your paper. An overhead (one will be in every room) or a 35mm projector (please request) is available at no charge. All other special requests require payment up front for their rental fees. For those who prefer to use a laptop computer for their presentation, an SVGA projection system will be available for a rental fee of $100 per session. Availability is limited, and reservations are on a first come, first serve basis. We cannot guarantee that special A/V requests beyond the above listed will be available at the time of the conference without prior notification and payment. At the conference, you will be required to pay for any equipment at the Registration Desk at time of request. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE A brief note about you for use as introductory material by your session leader at the conference. INDIVIDUAL REPRINT ORDER FORM Individual Reprint Order Form and prepayment, if desired. (optional) All material should include the SCS Paper ID Code (e.g., 2600, 9820, etc.) SCS is not responsible for correspondence or forms submitted without this code. When writing this code on your actual manuscript, do so on the back of each page. Thank you for your interest and cooperation. We hope that you will find participation in the conference professionally stimulating and rewarding. If you have any questions regarding the conference or your paper submittal, please call or write us. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CAMERA-READY MANUSCRIPT TO THE SCS OFFICE UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE PROPER COMPANY, GOVERNMENT, OR SECURITY CLEARANCE. THANK YOU. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPT Because of the proliferation of laser printers, SCS feels it is now possible to achieve high-quality, camera-ready copy on standard 8 1/2" =A5 11" sheets. Authors outside the USA may use standard A4 paper. If you do not have access to a laser printer, you must use the oversized mats. Call the SCS office (619) 277-3888; FAX: (619) 277-3930; E-mail: and we will send these to you. Oversized mats are available by request only. The Proceedings will be printed directly from the manuscripts submitted by authors (If the larger mats are used, the printing will include reduction of each page to 8 1/2" =A5 11" in the Proceedings.) It is important to note that the appearance of your paper in the Proceedings will depend largely upon the care you take in preparing the original manuscript and graphic material. SCS is not responsible for replacing or correcting papers or pages. Please be sure your camera-ready paper is free of typographical errors and omissions before sending it to SCS. TYPING AND LAYOUT SHEETS PLEASE FOLLOW THE SAMPLE PRINTOUT FOR GUIDELINES ON MARGINS, LAYOUT STYLE, ETC. 1. Manuscripts must be typed two columns to a page. Use one side of sheet only. 2. For 100% size: Your text should be no smaller than 8 point type, and no larger than 10 point. Choose a standard font. For oversized mats: A typewriter that provides an even impression and a sharp, uncluttered type font is important. If possible, use an electric typewriter with ELITE font (12 characters per inch). If possible, use a typewriter with a new black typewriter ribbon (carbon preferred). It is acceptable to use a printer that produces typewriter-quality print-out. Use any good quality bond paper. Printout from many dot matrix printers does not reproduce well and is therefore generally NOT ACCEPTABLE. Please do not use a dot matrix printer unless it provides good, clear, dark print. Again, use a new ribbon. 3. The text need not be right justified (squared off on the right). 4. Text should be single-spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs, and with a 5-space paragraph indentation. 5. Manuscript pages must be kept clean. Bad erasure marks, strikeovers (even with correction paper), or smudges will show up in the printed volume. In the case of an error, new lines or paragraphs may be pasted over old areas, if the length is the same. Correction paint may also be used if applied carefully and completely. 6. The title and author information should be centered. HEADINGS TITLE OF PAPER Type the title in capital letters, centered on the page horizontally, 1" from the top edge of the first page. Space down three lines, then type the name of the author (first name first), author=92s business or school affiliation, complete address, and e-mail using upper and lower case letters. Make it a complete mailing address, for example, A GENERAL MODEL OF INFORMATION TRANSFER Mary M. Doe and John J. Smith Department of Computer Science University of Anytown Anytown, California 92000 E-mail KEYWORDS Begin each paper with a list of no more than five keywords. It should start in the left column, approximately 3 lines below the author address. Use the list of =93Partial List of Frequently Used Keywords," as your guide. ABSTRACT After Keyword Listing, begin each paper with an abstract (100-200 words) that summarizes the topic and important results presented in the paper. Start with the abstract heading, typed in caps, beginning with the left-hand margin. Underline or bold the heading. Skip a line space, then begin the abstract. MAJOR HEADINGS Type in capitals, beginning flush with left-hand margin. Underline or bold. Skip a line space, then begin text. Subheadings Capitalize the first letter of each word, beginning flush with left-hand margin. Underline or bold. Skip a line space, then begin text. Secondary Subheadings. Capitalize the first letter of each word. Indent 5 spaces from the left-hand margin. Underline or bold. Text follows on the same line. FOOTNOTES Use footnotes sparingly. Begin two line spaces from previous text by typing a short horizontal line, using the underscore key 13 times. Skip 1/2 or one line space, type footnote symbol, then type footnote.* REFERENCES In text, references should be cited by the last name of the author and the year of publication, all in parentheses. The Reference List should be organized alphabetically by the name of the author, followed by the author=92s initials, year of publication, and other complete information about the published work. It should not be numbered. Only references that may be readily obtained should be cited in the list. Others may be referred to as =93personal communication=94 in the text. In the reference list, multiple entries with the same author are arranged chronologically. Italicize the name of the publication in which the article is found, or the title itself if a separate publication (underline if italicizing is not possible). For laboratory, company, or government reports, all information on how to obtain the report should be included. For Ph.D. and M.S. theses, the institutions granting the degree should be given. References to proceedings should include the full name of the proceedings, how to obtain it, year of publication, and page numbers of article cited. A reference to part of a book should include the range of pages in which the material is cited. Names of periodicals should be written out in full, and the range of pages cited. For style and consistency, The Chicago Manual of Style will govern. EXAMPLES IN TEXT (Smith 1978) Jones and Miller 1983) (Arthur et al. 1985) if more than three authors (Andrews 1982a) a trailing lowercase letter should distinguish multiple papers by the same author(s) published during a single year. (Dijkstra 1972; Hoare et al. 1980; Smith and Kim 1984b) IN REFERENCE LIST JOURNAL Balci, O. and R.G. Sargent. 1981. =93A Methodology for Cost-Risk Analysis in the Statistical Validation of Simulation Models.=94 Communications of the ACM 24, no. 4 (Apr.): 19~197. BOOK Felker, D.B.; F. Pickering; V.R. Charrow; V.M. Holland; and W.L. Harper. 1980. Data Processing Documentation: Standards, Procedures and Applications. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. * Footnote symbols follow the conventional order of asterisk (*), then double asterisk (**), dagger (=DD), then double dagger (=FD). BOOK CHAPTER Balci, O. and R.G. Sargent. 1983. =93Validation of Multivariate Response Trace-Driven Simulation Models.=94 In Performance =9283, A.K. Agrawalla a= nd S.K. Tripathi, eds. North Holland, Amsterdam, 309-323. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Gass, S.I. 1978. =93Computer Model Documentation.=94 In Proceedings of th= e 1978 Winter Simulation Conference (Miami Beach, FL, Dec.4-6). IEEE, Piscataway, N.J., 281-287. SPECIAL PUBLICATION: National Bureau of Standards. 1976. Guidelines for Documentation of Computer Programs and Automated Data Systems. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 38. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (Feb.). TECHNICAL REPORT Balci, O. 1985. =93Guidelines for Successful Simulation Studies.=94 Technical Report TR-85-2. Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. (Nov.). RESEARCH REPORT Iglehart, D.L. and G.S. Shedler. 1983. =93Simulation Output Analysis for Local Area Computer Networks.=94 Research Report RJ 4020 (45068). Researc= h Division, IBM, San Jose, CA (Sept.). PAGE NUMBERING AND PAPER IDENTIFICATION DO NOT TYPE PAGE NUMBERS. Simply write the sequential numbers and total number of pages to your paper on the back of each page (e.g., 1 of 6, 2 of 6, etc.). Final page numbers will be inserted by the publisher. Print your paper code (assigned by SCS) on the back of each page of the original manuscript and on the first page of all copies, in pencil only. Write the first author=92s last name on the back page just above the page numbering. This is for handling and identification purposes only and will not be reproduced. TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS All artwork, figures, captions, graphs, and tables will be reproduced exactly as you submit them; however, if you have requested the larger mats, please remember that all such items will be reduced 70% when they are printed. In the interest of clarity and uniformity, graphs and tables should be kept within a single column, if possible. If not, extension across two columns is permissible. If pasting on a table or graph, tape is permissible. Also, any type of paper glue is permissible. If you include photographs, convert them into Velox prints or halftones (screened reproductions) and paste or tape them into place. An 85-line screen is recommended. BIOGRAPHY If space permits, it is worthwhile to include a brief biography (no more than 300 words) of the author(s) at the end of the manuscript. This allows the viewing and reading audience to become familiar with the background of the author, thus giving the paper greater impact and validity. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS, IT IS BEST TO HAVE THEM ANSWERED NOW =97 CONTACT THE SCS OFFICE FOR ANY CLARIFICATION. SPEAKER=92S INSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION Good visual aids can greatly enhance the effect your presentation has on the audience. Experience at past conferences has shown that many of the oral presentations have not been adequately prepared. Often an attempt was made to present too much material and too much detail. Visual aids, the primary means to hold the attention of the audience, were often poorly conceived and inadequately prepared. It is our hope that these guidelines will help you prepare a better visual presentation. WMC 99 plans call for the nominal session to run 90 minutes without a break and to include four papers. This allows 5 minutes for introductions and then 20 minutes per paper, of which 5 minutes should be reserved for audience questions and comments. REMEMBER, your entire paper is published in the Proceedings. Your objective in the oral presentation should be to describe the highlights of your paper, progress since the paper was written, and future plans. Do NOT try to present the paper in its entirety, or to read it! PREPARATION OF PRESENTATION BASIC ORGANIZATION The most significant constraint facing the speaker is the time limit for presentation. As described above, presentations are nominally allotted 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion. This allows time to speak about 2000 words -- far less than the size of a paper. This time limit also restricts the number of concepts or major technical points that can be made by the speaker and absorbed by the audience. As a guideline, it is suggested that a presentation cover no more than 10 technical points. Logically linked by the theme of the paper, each of these technical points can be expressed as a declarative statement, substantiated with supporting material. Though the selection of no more than 10 significant points may seem like a great hardship, it will enhance the audience appreciation of a paper by focusing on the most significant information. VISUAL AIDS The best way to present material in a limited time period is to use well-conceived visual aids that support each of the points to be made. As a first approximation, the speaker should PLAN FOR overhead foils or =94VIEWING FRAMES=94 FOR EACH OF THE 10 TECHNICAL POINTS to be presented. All rooms will be set up for overhead presentations. Any additional audio-visual requirements must be arranged through the SCS office prior to the conference. Visual aids significantly simplify the presentation task. They simultaneously focus the audience attention and provide cues for the speaker. The speaker should plan to speak about all of the material on a foil (or it shouldn=92t be there) before amplifying a single item. In general, include no more than six supporting concepts on each foil presenting one technical point. If there are more, simply select the most pertinent. Remember once again, visual aids are not a complete reconstruction of the manuscript. The full story appears in the Proceedings and visual aids are only attention-focusing cues for the most interesting highlights. TIMING A speaker can expect to speak about SIX SENTENCES PER OVERHEAD, WHICH NORMALLY RUNS ABOUT 120 WORDS OR 1 TO 1.5 SPOKEN MINUTES. Since a speaker will have ten OVERHEAD FOILS, the basic presentation will run ten minutes. This allows 5-10 minutes to title, identify, and summarize the basic material, recognizing that audience receptiveness peaks at the beginning and conclusion of each talk. SPEAKER ATTITUDE AND SPONTANEITY The primary advantage for the speaker who organizes his presentation in this manner is that he can approach the audience with the assurance that HE CAN EASILY AND EFFECTIVELY PRESENT THE SALIENT POINTS IN HIS PAPER. Since the speaker is cued by his overhead foils, and since he certainly can speak to any of the technical points he has selected for at least one minute, the speaker no longer needs a written speech or even prepared notes. Thus, a measure of spontaneity can enter the technical presentations. DEVIATIONS FROM GUIDELINES The Session Chairperson makes the final decisions regarding timing of presentations, subject to the constraint that all papers in the session must be completed within the time allotted. Any deviations from these guidelines should be approved by the Chair. SPEAKER'S BREAKFAST On the morning of your presentation, a Speaker's Breakfast will be held for you to meet with your Session Chair and Co-Presentors. This meeting is mandatory. LIST OF AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT OVERHEADS/ 35MM PROJECTORS Each meeting room will be equipped with an overhead unit for 8 1/2 =A5 11 transparencies. 35mm slide projectors will be made available ONLY BY ADVANCED REQUEST with the SCS office. VIDEO EQUIPMENT Those who wish to make presentations via videotapes must MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO PAY FOR THE EQUIPMENT THEMSELVES. Authors should remember that video equipment and computer projector rental rates are relatively high ($125-$300 PER DAY) and the 21" or 25" screens are undesirable for use with an audience of over 40 attendees. LCD PROJECTOR LCD projectors must be reserved with the SCS Office prior to the conference. Cost is $100.00 per presentation (based on availability). Microphones/Amplification Equipment This will be available for every meeting room where more than 40 attendees are expected. COMPUTERS Speakers bringing microcomputers for demonstration during their session should notify the SCS office at least four weeks in advance of the meeting so that a table and power will be available. Speakers are responsible for their computer systems and must MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO PAY FOR THE EQUIPMENT THEMSELVES. SCS accepts no liability for them. LIST OF AUDIO VISUAL NEEDS WMC'99 PAPER CODE ___________________ List Audio/Visual needs ________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ To help SCS market the WMC'99 more effectively, please answer the following questions Target audience of or your paper ________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ List of Hardware/Software used in your paper ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Vendors you feel will enhance the conference Exhibits Area. Please list company, phone number and contacts. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Group __________________________________ Session _________________________________ Day ____________________________________ WMC'99 Paper Code ______________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: SCS 4838 Ronson Court, Suite L San Diego, California 92111-1800 AUTHOR=92S BIOGRAPHY Instructions: You may use this form or if you already have a biography you may use it. This is simply to provide your session leader with enough information to introduce you. Authors are encouraged to include a brief biography at the end of their paper if space permits. Name ___________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone No. ______________________________________ Present Employer ________________________________________ Duties or Job ___________________________________________ Highlights about your present work ______________________ _________________________________________________________ Past Employment _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Education _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Civic and professional activities, awards etc. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Other ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Group ___________________________________________________ Session _________________________________ Day ____________________________________ PARTIAL LIST OF FREQUENTLY USED KEYWORDS AUTHORS: Using this list as a guide, circle no more than five (5) keywords indicating subject areas applicable to your paper. These will be used in the indexing of your paper. APPLICATIONS ____________________________ Aerospace Agriculture Automatic control Behavioral science Biology Business Chemical engineering Civil engineering Communications Computer-aided design Computer aided manufacturing Computer performance Computer software Computer systems Control systems Corporate planning Criminology Cybernetics Ecology Education Electrical engineering Electronics Energy Environmental science Finance Forestry Geophysics Government Graphics Health care Health sciences Hydrology Image processing Industrial control Industrial engineering Industrial processes Information systems Labor Management science Manufacturing Marine Marketing Mechanical engineering Military Natural resources Naval Neurosciences Nuclear engineering Operations research Pattern recognition Petroleum engineering Pharmacokinetic Physics Physiology Political science Production Psychology Resource Management Signal processing Social science Speech recognition Telecommunications Test equipment Thermodynamics Transportation Trainers Urban affairs VLSI and Simulation COMPUTERS AND COMPONENTS ______________ Analog computers Analog/digital converters Array processors Calculators Communications processors Distributed processors Function generators Hybrid computers Man-machine interfaces Microcomputers Multiprocessors Personal computers Signal processors Simulators Special-purpose processors LANGUAGES __________________________ Combined (continuous/discrete) Continuous Discrete Financial planning Network Specific language used: MANAGEMENT AIDS ____________________ Decision-making Decision support systems Forecasting Management games Policy-making Risk analysis MATHEMATICAL METHODS ___________________ Data enrichment Differential equations Dynamic programming Error analysis Estimation Filtering Function generation Integration Least-squares methods Linear programming Mathematical programming Nonlinear programming Numerical methods Optimization Partial differential equations Random number generation Regression analysis Sampling Spectral analysis Statistical analysis Stiff equations Time Series analysis Transforms MODEL AND SIMULATION MANAGEMENT __________________ Computer-aided analysis Documentation Model acceptance Model analysis Model credibility Model design Model evaluation Model testing Model transfer Software cost analysis Software engineering Software management Standards Name of model used: MODELING METHODOLOGY _______________________ Approximation techniques Arrival generation Bond graphs Delphic techniques Model reduction Parameter identification Performance analysis Sensitivity analysis Truncation error Validation Variance reduction Verification SIMULATION METHODS _______________________ Combined simulation Continuous simulation Discrete simulation Emulation Gaming Hybrid simulation Interactive simulation Man-in-the-loop simulation Real-time simulation System dynamics SOFTWARE _____________________________ Database management systems Differential equation solvers Graphics packages Interactive programs Microprogramming Operating systems Program generators Report generators Statistical packages SYSTEM OPERATION ______________________ System analysis System engineering System identification System management THEORY ________________________________ Catastrophe General systems Philosophy TYPES OF MODELS _______________________ Compartmental Corporate Decision Deterministic Dynamic Econometric Event-oriented Feedback Global Grid Hierarchical Interactive Linear Lumped parameter Markov-chain Matrix Meta Microanalytic Monte Carlo National Network Nonlinear Qualitative Queuing Probabilistic Process-oriented Real-time Regional Stochastic Topological Vector World WMC'99 Paper Code _____________________________ PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO SCS TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT TO SIMULATION COUNCILS, INC. (The Society for Computer Simulation International) Present title of work __________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Author(s) ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Conference _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTE: The primary author must sign this form. I hereby transfer exclusively to Simulation Councils, Inc. (SCi) all rights granted to me by the copyright laws of the United States of America and other countries, subject to the reservations below. 1. The transfer of copyright shall become effective only upon SCi=92s acceptance for publication of the work. 2. The authors reserve all proprietary rights (such as patent rights) in this work other than the copyright transferred to SCi by this document. 3. After this work has been published by SCi, the author retains the right to republish it in whole or in part in any book of which he is an author or editor and to make personal use of this work in lectures, courses, or otherwise. 4. If this work is in the public domain, such as government work, I simply authorize its publication. 5. If this work is subject to security clearance I certify that as of the date below it has been cleared. I warrant that the above work has not been previously published elsewhere, or, if it has, that I have obtained permission for its publication by SCi and that I will promptly supply SCi with wording for crediting the original publication and copyright owner. ____________________________ Date ______________________________________________ Signature of primary author ______________________________________________ Print name Please return executed copy of this form to The Society for Computer Simulation International 4838 Ronson Court, Suite L San Diego, CA 92111-1800 The Society for Computer Simulation International INDIVIDUAL REPRINT ORDER FORM Publication/Conference __________________________________ WMC'99 Paper No. _______________________ Author(s) _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Title ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Ordered by ______________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________ Standard reprint is 81/2 x 11, 50# White Offset, =09 Black Ink, Stapled. Minimum Order: 100 copies. =09 ORDER INFORMATION First 100 copies __________ pages at $28.00 per page =3D U.S. $ ____________________ Each additional 100 copies ______ hundred x ______ pages at $9.00 per page =3D U.S. $ =1F_____________________ Standard Covers ___Yes ___No First 100 __________ at $69.00 per hundred =3D U.S. $ _________________ Additional __________ hundred at $28.00 per hundred =3D U.S. $ _________________ Special Covers ___Yes ___No (Call the SCS office for information) Late Charges - $35.00 for orders received after publication Offset press (necessary for clear reproduction of photographs). Additional $65.00 Special Shipping _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ PAYMENTS: All checks must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S bank. Make check payable to SCS. Include Purchase Order number if applicable: TOTAL AMOUNT ____________________ BALANCE DUE ____________________ Charge to ___AMEX ___VISA ___MASTERCARD Auth. Number _________________________________________ Auth. Signature ________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________________ Federal Tax I.D. Number #95-6059107 COVER NOTE Standard cover depends on original book cover design. It will be the same as original cover if order is received in time. Otherwise, it will be a black and white reproduction. Our graphics department will use their best judgement, unless you specify otherwise. Special colors or imprinting will be at an additional cost. Request estimate in advance. SHIPPING All shipments are sent surface mail unless another method is requested. The cost of special shipping will be billed to you. Shipments are made approximately 30 days after the date of the conference, or receipt of order, whichever is later. Outside North America please allow 90 days for delivery by surface mail. SHIPPING LABEL MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY TO ________________________________________________________ NAME ________________________________________________________ AFFILIATION ________________________________________________________ SHIPPING ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ CITY COUNTRY/STATE ZIP/POST OFFICE SCS International Membership Application Home Address Last Name ______________________________________________ First Name ________________________________ M.I. ________ Address ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State __________________ Zip _____________ Country ________________________________ Telephone ___________________________ Fax _________________________________ E-mail __________________________________________________ Business Address Position or Title ________________________________________ Organization/Company ____________________________________ Department ______________________________________________ Employer Address ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State __________________ Zip _________________ Country ____________________________ Telephone __________________________ Fax ________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________ Mailing Address __Home __Business Billing Address __Home __Business Demographic Job Sector __Government __Industry __Academia __Consultant __Other __________________ Job Function _____________________________________________ Highest Degree ___________________________________________ Year of Degree _____________________ How many years have you been working in simulation or a related field _______________________________ Gender __Male __Female Date of Birth -D/M/Y- ______ / ______ / ______ Annual Membership Dues __Full Member at $85.00 (U.S.) per year __Associate Member at $85.00 (U.S.) per year __Student Member at $32.00 (U.S.) per year __1 year __2 year __3 year payment Membership Fees $ ___________ Publications Dues for membership to SCS include a subscription to the monthly journal SIMULATION. In addition SCS members may elect to receive additional publications at discounted prices. Please check the appropriate line. __TRANSACTIONS Subscription (Quarterly) at $40.00 (U.S.) per year __SCS Membership Directory at $10.00 (U.S.) per year __Simulation Software Directory at $25.00 (U.S.) per year Publication Fees $ ___________ Payment Method =09 Total Amount Due $ ___________ __Payment enclosed. Make checks payable to SCS __Credit card payment Bill my __Mastercard __Visa __AMEX Card Number ___________________________________________ Expiration Date _________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Enclose payment and drop in the mail or FAX the application form to 619-277-3930. Professional and Technical Interests Professional/Technical Councils The following professional/technical member councils represents the major areas of interest within SCS. Each of these councils has an elected representative in the Board of Directors, and thereby influences the policy and technical priorities of SCS. Choose up to two areas of interest by indicating your first and second choice. __Simulation Theory and Methodology __Simulation Technologies __Simulation of Engineering Applications __Simulation in Business, Economics, and Finances __Simulation in Natural Sciences and Medicine __Simulation Applications for Education and Public Service Technical Interests Knowing your technical interest areas assists SCS to better serve your needs. Choose up to five areas you are actively interested in: __Aerospace __Electro-Optics __Operations Research __Agent Based Simulation __Physical Sciences __Emergency Planning and Management __Energy __Parallel and Distributed __Air Traffic Control __Applied Mathematics __Power Plant Simulation __Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems __Experimental Design __Process Engineering __Financial Planning __Qualitative Simulation __Automotive Systems __Geophysical Systems __Queueing Systems __Biomedical and Medicine __Government __Real Time Systems __Bond Graph Modeling __High Performance Computing __Robotics __Business Applications __Human Factors __Scheduling __CAD/CAM/CIM __Industrial Engineering __Simulation Languages __Chemical Engineering __Information Systems and Decision Support Systems __Spreadsheet Modeling __Civil Engineering __Standards __Computer Architecture __Inventory and Production __Statistics=09 __Computer Networks __Life Sciences __System Dynamics __Continuous Systems __Management Science __Telecommunications Systems __Control Engineering __Manufacturing __Training Simulators __Discrete Systems __Marine Applications __Transportation and Traffic __Distributed Interactive Simulation __Military __Verification, Validation __Virtual Reality __Mission Earth, Environmental Simulation __Economics __Visualization, Graphics Animation __Education __Neural Networks __Electronics __Object Oriented Simulation __Other _________________ Becoming Active in The Society __I would be willing to review technical articles for The Society in my fields of interest __I would like to become active in simulation conferences __I would like to do the following _____________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Other Information What kind of hardware and software are you using for your simulation area? Hardware _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Software ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ __I do not want my address given to other SCS members with the same interest areas. __I do not want my address information to go outside of SCS Return to: SCS Membership, P.O. Box 17900, San Diego, CA, USA 92177-7900 This registration form must be completed and returned with your manuscript. Registration fee must be guaranteed by receipt of check or credit card number for paper inclusion in conference proceedings. Registration is not refundable. Registration fee includes: attendance at the conference, authors breakfast, copy of the Proceedings and any planned social function. 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The Cathedral Hill Hotel can only guarantee your reservation via AMEX, VISA, Mastercard, Diner's Club, or by company or personal check (within seven days of booking, or the reservation is subject to cancelation). If plans change or you need to cancel, call 800-622-0855 before 4pm (PST) on the day prior to arrival to avoid billing. Retain cancelation number given by the Cathedral Hill Hotel agent at point of cancelation. Please return this reservation request to Cathedral Hill Hotel Reservations 1101 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, California 94109 Phone 415-776-8200 Fax 415-441-2841 ------- End of Forwarded Message