Tav Hawkins (tlhawkin@mailbox.syr.edu) tenative work schedule thru Feb. 2000

My Work Page

Creating an external module in Visual C++ 5.0 (a step-by-step tutorial).

Oct 2

Prepared (with Rob) a more-explicit step-by-step tutorial for creating external modules in Visual C++ 5.0, based on Yuh-Jye Chang's Mar 18, 1998 work page entry.

Create An External Module in VC++ 5.0 - A step-by-step tutorial


Oct 2

Developed (with Rob) a very simple external module, JSimpleExternalObj. It is intended to serve as an example for more complex external modules. It is heavily commented, based on Yuh-Jye Chang's Module Programming Introduction.


Parallel Cascade Visual C++ Code

Dec 12

Designed and coded (with Rob) the Visual C++ code, Parallel Cascade Module (JTestEMG.cpp, JTestEMG.h, JTrain.cpp and JTrain.h). The code was based on M.J. Korenberg Parallel Cascade algortihm. For more details see, M.J. Korenberg "Parrrallel Cascade Identification and Kernel Estimation for Nonlinear Systems," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 19, pp429- 455, 1991.


Feb 12

Developed (with Rob) a much needed manual for NeatTools. The manual was created utilizing image maps and exerts from Yuh-Jye Chang's thesis. This will be an on going project editing and updating the manual as modules are created.


Not Quite C

Feb 18

Along with team members Rob and Hojung . This is the beginnings of Phase I of the LEGO Mindstorms Project. For this aspect we intend to write an external module in NeatTools which will be able to control simple functions of the RCX. We have chosen NQC because the complier is simple and we believe it will be cleaner, ie does not utilize any of the MFC foundation classes and it's windows independent, more in the spirit of NeatTools.

Neat Tools talks to Lego Mindstorms RCX

Feb 28

Lego Mindstorm

March 99

Along with team member Hojung, we combined our talents to write the external module. I wrote the low level core code (ie the assembly code to talk to the serial/com port) and Hojung wrote the interface. To date we have been successful at turning on/off motors A,B and C and changing their respective speeds. We are interested in this technology because of the possible overlap in home security and automation for applications in the disability field.

the code JLegoObj.cpp JLegoObj.h

or the dll file (the only thing you need to run in NeatTools) JLegoObj.dll and the NTL file LegoTest.ntl


Mar 29, 1999

Developed (with Rob) a module which computes a user-specified multivariate function.


Microsoft Agent

July 19, 1999

Developed (with Rob) a module which accesses the Microsoft Agent (similar to the annoying paperclip in Excel or the talking genie on the stand-up machine downstairs). The addition of this feature to NeatTools will give users the much needed speech capabilites. Additional features to come...

First you need to download the agent.


Then you need to download the JMSAgentObj.dll

or you have to grab all of the cpp, c, h and dsp files from the directory and compile.

(follow: JMSAgentObj)

One more small point. Don't forget the ntls file,
MSAgent.ntl (right click-save)
MSAgent-socket.ntl (right click-save) Good Luck!

Lego RCX

Jan 00

Still having some trouble with collecting the response for NeatTools' COM object. Works fine for commands which do not require a response. Port1 sends a command to NeatTools'Com Obj, in an attempt to retrieve the battery's power reading in mV, but the response is not correct. There seems to be a problem with the handshaking. More experienced Lego Programmer suggest that there should be a 1s delay between send to the serial port and then trying to receive a response. There is a Log file produced for trouble shooting, called LegoLog.dat You will need to have a LegoRCX brick to run this application. The brick should be turned on and set to run. This is also assuming that you have downloaded the NeatTool oopw.I would strongly suggest not using this application until I am better able to debug JLegoObj.cpp JLegoObj.h

or the dll file (the only thing you need to run in NeatTools) JLegoObj.dll and the NTL file Lego.ntl

NTL files

NTL files.