Use this page to set or adjust properties that affect server performance.
Max Capacity
Memory Cache
Min Handlers
Max Handlers
Handler Timeout
Keepalive Count
Keepalive Timeout
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent client connections that the server
Specifies the size of the server's memory cache. Setting the cache size to zero
disables it.
Specifies the minimum number of threads Jeeves maintains in its handler pool to
service incoming requests. Since thread creation adds overhead to the server's
response time, it's recommended that you set this property to have a non-zero
value. The default is 10.
Specifies the maximum number of threads Jeeves maintains in its handler pool to
service incoming requests.
Specifies the expiration timeout for an idle handler thread.
Specifies how many HTTP operations to allow on a single TCP
connection before the terminating the connection. To activate the Keepalive
feature, go to the Proxy Configuration page and enable the Proxy Keepalive
Specifies the number of seconds before dropping an idle connection.
Last modified: 11/11/96