Class java.servlet.html.HtmlApplet
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Class java.servlet.html.HtmlApplet


public class HtmlApplet
extends Object
implements HtmlElement
Utility class for generating an applet tag.

Constructor Index

 o HtmlApplet(String, int, int)
Allocate a new HtmlApplet with given codebase, width, and height.
 o HtmlApplet(String, String, int, int)
Allocate a new HtmlApplet with given codebase, attributes, width and height.

Method Index

 o addParameter(String, String)
Add a parameter tag to the applet.
 o toString()
 o wrap(String)
 o write(OutputStream)


 o HtmlApplet
  public HtmlApplet(String code,
                    int width,
                    int height)
Allocate a new HtmlApplet with given codebase, width, and height.
code - the class name of the applet
width - the width of the applet
height - the height of the applet
 o HtmlApplet
  public HtmlApplet(String code,
                    String attribs,
                    int width,
                    int height)
Allocate a new HtmlApplet with given codebase, attributes, width and height.
code - the class name of the applet
attribs - additional attributes for the applet tag, ie. codebase & name
width - the width of the applet
height - the height of the applet


 o addParameter
  public void addParameter(String name,
                           String value)
Add a parameter tag to the applet.
name - the name of the paremater
value - the value of the parameter
 o wrap
  public void wrap(String tags)
 o write
  public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException
 o toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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