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public final class DSA
extends JSafeSig

Constructor Index

 o DSA()
Default constructor.

Method Index

 o checkKeyAlg(AlgorithmId)
Returns true if the key algorithm is one supported by this signature algorithm.
 o getKeyGen()
Returns a key generator object for the key algorithm which was previously checked by checkKeyAlgorithm and stored in the "keyAlg" member.
 o initSign(long)
Initialize the BSAFE algorithm object "algObj" to do SHA1-with-DSA signing, using private key "keyObj".
 o initVerify(long)
Initialize the BSAFE algorithm object "algObj" to do SHA1-with-DSA signature verificateion, using public key "keyObj".
 o parsePrivateKey(byte[], String)
Parses DSA private keys usin an algorithm-specific format.


 o DSA
  public DSA()
Default constructor. Establishes the signature algorithm to be used.


 o checkKeyAlg
  protected boolean checkKeyAlg(AlgorithmId keyAlg)
Returns true if the key algorithm is one supported by this signature algorithm. Side effect: sets "siglimit" according to the size of the signature generated with this algorithm and using this kind of key. XXX The side effect's a bit of a crock ... for DSA, BSAFE defines it as a fixed value of 48. RSA needs an explcit check with a key, not the algorithm.
checkKeyAlg in class JSafeSig
 o getKeyGen
  protected KeyGen getKeyGen()
Returns a key generator object for the key algorithm which was previously checked by checkKeyAlgorithm and stored in the "keyAlg" member.
getKeyGen in class JSafeSig
 o initSign
  protected void initSign(long keyObj)
Initialize the BSAFE algorithm object "algObj" to do SHA1-with-DSA signing, using private key "keyObj".
initSign in class JSafeSig
 o initVerify
  protected void initVerify(long keyObj)
Initialize the BSAFE algorithm object "algObj" to do SHA1-with-DSA signature verificateion, using public key "keyObj".
initVerify in class JSafeSig
 o parsePrivateKey
  protected void parsePrivateKey(byte privateKey[],
                                 String format) throws InvalidKeyException
Parses DSA private keys usin an algorithm-specific format. Private keys are stored in a different format than public ones, to minimize the risks associated with confusing the two.
privateKey - encoded bytes of the private key
format - the format of the key
Throws: InvalidKeyException
if an error is encountered when decoding the key, such as being given an illegal format key.
parsePrivateKey in class JSafeSig

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