Class sun.server.ServerParameters
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Class sun.server.ServerParameters


public class ServerParameters
extends Object
This class provides access to and modification of server configuration parameters.

Variable Index

 o backlog
Backlog parameter for listen.
 o grace
The number of seconds to wait during shutdown for handler threads to become idle.
 o group
The group to change to when running the server.
 o host
The host name of the server.
 o maxThreads
The maximum number of handler threads to run.
 o minThreads
The minimum number of handler threads to run.
 o name
The server name.
 o port
The port to listen on.
 o timeout
The number of seconds to wait for a new connection before a handler thread times out.
 o transport
The transport (tcp, ssl, ...) that the server uses
 o user
The user to change to when running the server.
 o vendor
The server vendor.
 o version
The server version.

Constructor Index

 o ServerParameters()
Creates new server parameters.
 o ServerParameters(ExProperties)
Creates new server parameters initialized from properties.

Method Index

 o getBacklog()
Returns the server backlog.
 o getCertChain()
Returns the cert chain that identifies this virtual host.
 o getGrace()
Returns the shutdown grace period in seconds.
 o getGroup()
Returns the server group name or id.
 o getHost()
Returns the server host name.
 o getMaxThreads()
Returns the maximum number of handler threads.
 o getMinThreads()
Returns the minimum number of handler threads.
 o getName()
Returns the server name.
 o getPort()
Returns the server port.
 o getPrivateKey()
Returns the private key that authenticates this virtual host.
 o getTimeout()
Returns the handler timeout in seconds.
 o getTransport()
Returns the server transport.
 o getUser()
Returns the server user name or id.
 o getVendor()
Returns the server vendor.
 o getVersion()
Returns the server version.
 o load(ExProperties)
Loads parameters from properties.
 o reset()
Resets parameters to default values.
 o save(ExProperties)
Saves parameters to properties.
 o setBacklog(int)
Sets the server backlog.
 o setGrace(int)
Sets the shutdown grace peiod in seconds.
 o setGroup(String)
Sets the server group name or id.
 o setHost(String)
Sets the server host name.
 o setMaxThreads(int)
Sets the maximum number of handler threads.
 o setMinThreads(int)
Sets the minimum number of handler threads.
 o setName(String)
Sets the server name.
 o setPort(int)
Sets the server port.
 o setTimeout(int)
Sets the handler timeout in seconds.
 o setTransport(String)
Sets the server transport.
 o setUser(String)
Sets the server user name or id.
 o setVendor(String)
Sets the server vendor.
 o setVersion(String)
Sets the server version.


  public final static String DEFAULT_NAME
  public final static String DEFAULT_VERSION
  public final static String DEFAULT_VENDOR
  public final static String DEFAULT_HOST
  public final static String DEFAULT_TRANSPORT
  public final static int DEFAULT_PORT
  public final static int DEFAULT_BACKLOG
  public final static int DEFAULT_MIN_THREADS
  public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS
  public final static int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
  public final static int DEFAULT_GRACE
 o name
  protected String name
The server name.
 o version
  protected String version
The server version.
 o transport
  protected String transport
The transport (tcp, ssl, ...) that the server uses
 o vendor
  protected String vendor
The server vendor.
 o user
  protected String user
The user to change to when running the server.
 o group
  protected String group
The group to change to when running the server.
 o host
  protected String host
The host name of the server.
 o port
  protected int port
The port to listen on.
 o backlog
  protected int backlog
Backlog parameter for listen.
 o minThreads
  protected int minThreads
The minimum number of handler threads to run.
 o maxThreads
  protected int maxThreads
The maximum number of handler threads to run.
 o timeout
  protected int timeout
The number of seconds to wait for a new connection before a handler thread times out.
 o grace
  protected int grace
The number of seconds to wait during shutdown for handler threads to become idle.


 o ServerParameters
  public ServerParameters()
Creates new server parameters.
 o ServerParameters
  public ServerParameters(ExProperties props)
Creates new server parameters initialized from properties.


 o getName
  public synchronized String getName()
Returns the server name.
 o setName
  public synchronized void setName(String name)
Sets the server name.
 o getVersion
  public synchronized String getVersion()
Returns the server version.
 o setVersion
  public synchronized void setVersion(String version)
Sets the server version.
 o getTransport
  public synchronized String getTransport()
Returns the server transport.
 o setTransport
  public synchronized void setTransport(String transport)
Sets the server transport.
 o getVendor
  public synchronized String getVendor()
Returns the server vendor.
 o setVendor
  public synchronized void setVendor(String vendor)
Sets the server vendor.
 o getUser
  public synchronized String getUser()
Returns the server user name or id.
 o setUser
  public synchronized void setUser(String user)
Sets the server user name or id.
 o getGroup
  public synchronized String getGroup()
Returns the server group name or id.
 o setGroup
  public synchronized void setGroup(String group)
Sets the server group name or id.
 o getHost
  public synchronized String getHost()
Returns the server host name.
 o setHost
  public synchronized void setHost(String host)
Sets the server host name.
 o getPort
  public synchronized int getPort()
Returns the server port.
 o setPort
  public synchronized void setPort(int port)
Sets the server port.
 o getBacklog
  public synchronized int getBacklog()
Returns the server backlog.
 o setBacklog
  public synchronized void setBacklog(int backlog)
Sets the server backlog.
 o getMinThreads
  public synchronized int getMinThreads()
Returns the minimum number of handler threads.
 o setMinThreads
  public synchronized void setMinThreads(int minThreads)
Sets the minimum number of handler threads.
 o getMaxThreads
  public synchronized int getMaxThreads()
Returns the maximum number of handler threads.
 o setMaxThreads
  public synchronized void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads)
Sets the maximum number of handler threads.
 o getTimeout
  public synchronized int getTimeout()
Returns the handler timeout in seconds.
 o setTimeout
  public synchronized void setTimeout(int timeout)
Sets the handler timeout in seconds.
 o getGrace
  public synchronized int getGrace()
Returns the shutdown grace period in seconds.
 o setGrace
  public synchronized void setGrace(int grace)
Sets the shutdown grace peiod in seconds.
 o reset
  public synchronized void reset()
Resets parameters to default values.
 o load
  public synchronized void load(ExProperties props)
Loads parameters from properties.
 o save
  public synchronized void save(ExProperties props)
Saves parameters to properties.
 o getPrivateKey
  public Key getPrivateKey()
Returns the private key that authenticates this virtual host.
 o getCertChain
  public CertChain getCertChain()
Returns the cert chain that identifies this virtual host.

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