Class sun.server.http.NtServiceHandler
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Class sun.server.http.NtServiceHandler


public class NtServiceHandler
extends Thread
This class implements an NT Service Handler

Constructor Index

 o NtServiceHandler(HttpServer)
Creates a new NT Service handler for the specified server.

Method Index

 o run()
The run method invokes a native method on NT, that creates a named Jeeves event, and waits on it indefinitely.


 o NtServiceHandler
  public NtServiceHandler(HttpServer server)
Creates a new NT Service handler for the specified server.
server - the server for this handler


 o run
  public void run()
The run method invokes a native method on NT, that creates a named Jeeves event, and waits on it indefinitely. When the event is triggered by the Service Handler, in response to the request to stop the Jeeves Service, the native method returns. At this point the run method invokes the server shutdown method and returns.
run in class Thread

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