Class sun.server.http.ServerSecurity
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Class sun.server.http.ServerSecurity


public class ServerSecurity
extends SecurityManager
An abstract class that can be subclassed to implement a server security policy. This class adds server-specific methods to the Java security manager. The methods in this class should be overridden by the security manager for a particular server, eg the ServletSecurity manager used by the http server.
See Also:
SecurityManager, ServletSecurity

Constructor Index

 o ServerSecurity()

Method Index

 o checkACLaccess(Principal, Acl, String)
Check if the principal is allowed to access the ACL


 o ServerSecurity
  public ServerSecurity()


 o checkACLaccess
  public void checkACLaccess(Principal principal,
                             Acl acl,
                             String access)
Check if the principal is allowed to access the ACL
principal - the person, servlet or Java object that wants to access the ACL
acl - the AclEntry that the principal wants to access
access - the type of access desired: set, get, delete

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