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public class Certgen
extends HttpServlet
Servlet class supporting SSL certificate generation for Jeeves.

NOTE: This is a preliminary version, sufficient to bootstrap the system but not as usable, functional, or secure as we need it to be.

NOTE also: This should not be merged with the standard admin servlet; it's export controlled technology and we need to be able to easily remove it from the release.

Constructor Index

 o Certgen()

Method Index

 o getServletInfo()
Returns a string containing information about the author, version, and copyright of the servlet.
 o service(HttpRequest, HttpResponse)
Servlet accepting input from the simple certgen form ...


 o Certgen
  public Certgen()


 o service
  public void service(HttpRequest req,
                      HttpResponse res) throws IOException
Servlet accepting input from the simple certgen form ... generates a self-signed cert or a PKCS #10 cert request.

This is an AMAZINGLY inflexible way to do this. Not particularly suited to how real sites must operate. Most sites will want more attributes in names and in other parts of the cert or cert request. They'll also require a fair degree of policy flexibility re name components.

An additional hook for site policy flexibility, not yet supported by our X.509 infrastructure, is requiring support for specific X.509 attributes. Those cert attributes (as well as name attributes) are the fount of LOTS of variation in policy ... as well as associated operational problems.

 o getServletInfo
  public String getServletInfo()
Returns a string containing information about the author, version, and copyright of the servlet.
getServletInfo in class GenericServlet

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