Color-Annotated Source

This example ( illustrates how make a Bean's custom icon appear in toolboxes. illustrates constrained and bound properties.

Icons may be 16x16 color, 32x32 color, 16x16 mono, or 32x32 mono. If a Bean is to support only one icon, it should support 16x16 color.

package sunw.demo.jelly; 

import java.beans.*;

public class JellyBeanBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo {

    public java.awt.Image getIcon(int iconKind) {
	if (iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16) {
	    java.awt.Image img = loadImage("JellyBeanIconColor16.gif");
	    return img;
	if (iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32) {
	    java.awt.Image img = loadImage("JellyBeanIconColor32.gif");
	    return img;
	if (iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_16x16) {
	    java.awt.Image img = loadImage("JellyBeanIconMono16.gif");
	    return img;
	if (iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_32x32) {
	    java.awt.Image img = loadImage("JellyBeanIconMono32.gif");
	    return img;
	return null;


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