Class dnx.geom.PerspectiveProjection
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Class dnx.geom.PerspectiveProjection


public class PerspectiveProjection
extends Projection

Constructor Index

 o PerspectiveProjection()

Method Index

 o boundingBoxIntersection(BoundingBox3)
Determine whether a bounding box lies completely inside, completely outside, or partially outside the view volume defined by the projection.
 o boundingBoxOutside(BoundingBox3)
 o clone()
 o copy(Copyable)
 o getFOV()
 o getNDCToViewerMatrix(Matrix4)
Get the matrix to convert to normalized screen space coordinates to viewer coordinates.
 o getRay(float, float, Ray3)
Convert a point in normalized screen coordinates to a ray.
 o getViewerToNDCMatrix(Matrix4)
Get the matrix to convert viewer space coordinates to normalized screen space coordinates.
 o setFOV(float)
 o toString()


 o PerspectiveProjection
  public PerspectiveProjection()


 o setFOV
  public void setFOV(float angle)
 o getFOV
  public float getFOV()
 o getRay
  public void getRay(float x,
                     float y,
                     Ray3 ray)
Convert a point in normalized screen coordinates to a ray. (Normalized screen coordinates range from -1 to +1 in X and Y, and from 0 to 1 in Z.)
getRay in class Projection
 o getViewerToNDCMatrix
  public void getViewerToNDCMatrix(Matrix4 m)
Get the matrix to convert viewer space coordinates to normalized screen space coordinates.
getViewerToNDCMatrix in class Projection
 o getNDCToViewerMatrix
  public void getNDCToViewerMatrix(Matrix4 m)
Get the matrix to convert to normalized screen space coordinates to viewer coordinates.
getNDCToViewerMatrix in class Projection
 o boundingBoxIntersection
  public int boundingBoxIntersection(BoundingBox3 bbox)
Determine whether a bounding box lies completely inside, completely outside, or partially outside the view volume defined by the projection.
boundingBoxIntersection in class Projection
 o boundingBoxOutside
  public boolean boundingBoxOutside(BoundingBox3 bbox)
boundingBoxOutside in class Projection
 o clone
  public Object clone()
clone in class Projection
 o copy
  public void copy(Copyable c)
copy in class Projection
 o toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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