Class dnx.geom.Point2Set
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Class dnx.geom.Point2Set


public class Point2Set
extends Object
This implements a set of points in two dimensions. It is the parent class for polygons, planar graphs, and such.

Variable Index

 o bounding_rect
 o cached_bounds_valid

Constructor Index

 o Point2Set()
 o Point2Set(Point2Set)

Method Index

 o addPoint(double, double)
 o addPoint(float, float)
 o addPoint(Point2)
add a point to a polygon.
 o clone()
 o copy(Point2Set)
 o deletePoint(int)
 o deletePoints(int, int)
 o getBoundingBox()
Return the bounding rectangle of the polygon.
 o getPoints()
 o indexOfPointEql(Point2)
 o indexOfPointEqual(Point2)
 o invalidateCaches()
 o numberOfPoints()
 o reflectX()
Reflect along the X axis.
 o reflectXY()
Reflect along the line X = Y.
 o reflectY()
Reflect along the Y axis.
 o scale(float)
 o scale(float, float)
 o translate(float, float)


 o cached_bounds_valid
  protected boolean cached_bounds_valid
 o bounding_rect
  protected Rectangle2 bounding_rect


 o Point2Set
  public Point2Set()
 o Point2Set
  public Point2Set(Point2Set set)


 o copy
  public void copy(Point2Set set)
 o clone
  public Object clone()
clone in class Object
 o invalidateCaches
  protected void invalidateCaches()
 o indexOfPointEql
  public int indexOfPointEql(Point2 p)
 o indexOfPointEqual
  public int indexOfPointEqual(Point2 p)
 o numberOfPoints
  public final int numberOfPoints()
 o getPoints
  public Enumeration getPoints()
 o getBoundingBox
  public Rectangle2 getBoundingBox()
Return the bounding rectangle of the polygon. This specifies the minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates for the polygon.
 o addPoint
  public int addPoint(Point2 p)
add a point to a polygon. This does NOT copy the point; if the point is mutable, make sure to clone it first! Oh for a const keyword in Java ...
 o addPoint
  public int addPoint(float x,
                      float y)
 o addPoint
  public int addPoint(double x,
                      double y)
 o deletePoint
  public void deletePoint(int ind)
 o deletePoints
  public void deletePoints(int ind,
                           int count)
 o translate
  public void translate(float x,
                        float y)
 o scale
  public void scale(float xscale,
                    float yscale)
 o scale
  public void scale(float scale)
 o reflectX
  public void reflectX()
Reflect along the X axis.
 o reflectY
  public void reflectY()
Reflect along the Y axis.
 o reflectXY
  public void reflectXY()
Reflect along the line X = Y.

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