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public class SceneContents
extends DNXJavaStyleObservable
A SceneContents object is a "frozen" (un-instanced) scene. It contains lists of routes, prototypes, and nodes. When you read in a scene or a prototype from a file, you get a SceneContents object; from this, a Scene or prototype can be created. (The Scene just gets the root node and uses it directly; prototypes do a deep clone because they may instance the SceneContents multiple times [one per prototype instance].)

Method Index

 o abortLoading()
Make the loading stop immediately, as soon as it's safe.
 o addPrototype(Prototype)
 o addRoute(Route)
 o addTopLevelNode(Node)
 o beginAsyncLoad(Object, ReadAction)
Actually begin the asynchronous loading process.
 o beginAsyncLoad(Object, ReadAction[])
Actually begin the asynchronous loading process.
 o clone()
 o countPrototypes()
 o countRoutes()
 o countTopLevelNodes()
Return the number of top-level nodes.
 o createAsync()
 o createAsync(NodeDefinition)
Read in a SceneContents object asynchronously, optionally with a set of external interfaces.
 o currentlyLoading()
 o deleteAllTopLevelNodes()
 o deletePrototype(Prototype)
 o deleteRoute(Route)
 o deleteTopLevelNode(Node)
 o finishedLoading()
 o getInterfaceMappings()
 o getPrototypes()
 o getRootNode()
 o getRoute(Node, int, Node, int)
 o getRoutes()
 o getURL()
 o hasFakeGroupRootNode()
 o loadAborted()
 o loadedSuccessfully()
 o notifyingRead(Object, ReadAction, NodeDefinition, DNXObservable)
Read and create a new SceneContents object.
 o print(PrintAction)
 o printPrototypes(PrintAction)
 o printRoutes(PrintAction)
 o read(ReadAction)
Read and create a new SceneContents object.
 o read(ReadAction, NodeDefinition)
Read and create a new SceneContents object.
 o resolvePrototype(String)
 o waitForAsyncLoadCompletion()
Wait for an in-progress load to finish.


 o createAsync
  public static SceneContents createAsync(NodeDefinition interfaceDefs)
Read in a SceneContents object asynchronously, optionally with a set of external interfaces. This does not start loading the scene; call beginAsyncLoad() to do that. This two-stage process allows you to add observers and such before starting the load process.
 o createAsync
  public static SceneContents createAsync()
 o beginAsyncLoad
  public void beginAsyncLoad(Object whatIsLoading,
                             ReadAction actions[])
Actually begin the asynchronous loading process.
 o beginAsyncLoad
  public void beginAsyncLoad(Object whatIsLoading,
                             ReadAction a)
Actually begin the asynchronous loading process.
 o abortLoading
  public void abortLoading()
Make the loading stop immediately, as soon as it's safe. After this method returns, it is guaranteed that a LOAD_DONE event will never get sent for this SceneContents.
 o waitForAsyncLoadCompletion
  public boolean waitForAsyncLoadCompletion()
Wait for an in-progress load to finish. If the loading has already finished, this returns immediately.
 o finishedLoading
  public boolean finishedLoading()
 o currentlyLoading
  public boolean currentlyLoading()
 o loadedSuccessfully
  public boolean loadedSuccessfully()
 o loadAborted
  public boolean loadAborted()
 o read
  public static SceneContents read(ReadAction a,
                                   NodeDefinition interfaceDefs) throws IOException, VRMLSyntaxException
Read and create a new SceneContents object.
 o read
  public static SceneContents read(ReadAction a) throws VRMLSyntaxException, IOException
Read and create a new SceneContents object.
 o notifyingRead
  public static SceneContents notifyingRead(Object whatIsLoading,
                                            ReadAction a,
                                            NodeDefinition interfaceDefs,
                                            DNXObservable throwee)
Read and create a new SceneContents object. If an error occurs, don't throw an exception; instead, send a SceneObserverEvent to the specified DNXObservable (which can be null) and return null. If no errors occur, return the new SceneContents.
 o getURL
  public URL getURL()
 o print
  public void print(PrintAction a)
 o printPrototypes
  public void printPrototypes(PrintAction a)
 o addPrototype
  public void addPrototype(Prototype proto)
 o resolvePrototype
  public Prototype resolvePrototype(String name)
 o printRoutes
  public void printRoutes(PrintAction a)
 o addRoute
  public void addRoute(Route route)
 o deleteRoute
  public void deleteRoute(Route route)
 o getRoute
  public Route getRoute(Node from,
                        int eventOut,
                        Node to,
                        int eventIn)
 o addTopLevelNode
  public void addTopLevelNode(Node node)
 o deletePrototype
  public void deletePrototype(Prototype proto)
 o deleteAllTopLevelNodes
  public void deleteAllTopLevelNodes()
 o deleteTopLevelNode
  public void deleteTopLevelNode(Node node)
 o getPrototypes
  public Enumeration getPrototypes()
 o getRoutes
  public Enumeration getRoutes()
 o getRootNode
  public Node getRootNode()
 o getInterfaceMappings
  public InterfaceMappingTable getInterfaceMappings()
 o countPrototypes
  public int countPrototypes()
 o countRoutes
  public int countRoutes()
 o countTopLevelNodes
  public int countTopLevelNodes()
Return the number of top-level nodes.
 o hasFakeGroupRootNode
  public boolean hasFakeGroupRootNode()
 o clone
  protected Object clone()
clone in class Object

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