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public class Document
extends DNXObject
implements Runnable, DNXObserver
A Document is the class encapsulating a Scene. A Document consists of a list of Nexuss, each of which displays some subtree of the scene and processes input from the user. (Typically an Nexus corresponds to a top-level window in the window system, but this is not enforced.) Each Nexus, in turn, contains one or more Views, which correspond to a particular way of displaying the subtree managed by the Nexus. The Nexus is responsible for managing the interaction with the user for its subtree. It receives input events in a uniform form and determines what to do with them.

Variable Index

 o nexuses

Constructor Index

 o Document()
 o Document(Scene)

Method Index

 o addNexus(Nexus)
 o areSceneFramesEnabled()
 o beginDelaySceneObserverEvents()
 o clearStatusMessage(Nexus)
 o debugPrint()
 o disableSceneFrames()
 o enableSceneFrames()
 o endDelaySceneObserverEvents()
 o getCurrentFrameRate()
 o getDocumentBase()
 o getScene()
 o javaSucks(Scene)
This is an alternative entry point for the Document (Scene) constructor.
 o processSceneObserverEvent(SceneObserverEvent)
 o removeNexus(Nexus)
 o run()
 o sceneHasLoaded()
 o setMediaFetcher(Scene)
 o showErrorMessage(Nexus, String, String)
 o showErrorMessage(String, String)
 o showStatusMessage(Nexus, String)
 o showStatusMessage(String)
 o start()
 o stop()
 o update(DNXObservable, Object)
A document is an observer of a scene; the scene may call update with SceneObserverEvents.


 o nexuses
  protected NexusList nexuses


 o Document
  public Document()
 o Document
  public Document(Scene scene)


 o javaSucks
  protected void javaSucks(Scene scene)
This is an alternative entry point for the Document (Scene) constructor. We have to do this bogosity because Java doesn't allow you to do things before calling the superclass constructor. If you want to use this in place of calling Document (scene), call Document () then do your thing then call javaSucks (scene).
 o enableSceneFrames
  public synchronized void enableSceneFrames()
 o disableSceneFrames
  public synchronized void disableSceneFrames()
 o areSceneFramesEnabled
  public boolean areSceneFramesEnabled()
 o getScene
  public synchronized Scene getScene()
 o sceneHasLoaded
  public boolean sceneHasLoaded()
 o addNexus
  public synchronized void addNexus(Nexus nexus)
 o removeNexus
  public synchronized void removeNexus(Nexus nexus)
 o getDocumentBase
  public abstract URL getDocumentBase()
 o showStatusMessage
  public synchronized void showStatusMessage(Nexus nexus,
                                             String message)
 o showStatusMessage
  public synchronized void showStatusMessage(String message)
 o clearStatusMessage
  public synchronized void clearStatusMessage(Nexus nexus)
 o showErrorMessage
  public abstract void showErrorMessage(Nexus nexus,
                                        String message,
                                        String detail)
 o setMediaFetcher
  public abstract void setMediaFetcher(Scene newScene)
 o showErrorMessage
  public synchronized void showErrorMessage(String message,
                                            String detail)
 o run
  public void run()
 o getCurrentFrameRate
  public float getCurrentFrameRate()
 o start
  public synchronized void start()
 o stop
  public void stop()
 o debugPrint
  public void debugPrint()
 o beginDelaySceneObserverEvents
  public synchronized void beginDelaySceneObserverEvents()
 o endDelaySceneObserverEvents
  public synchronized void endDelaySceneObserverEvents()
 o processSceneObserverEvent
  public void processSceneObserverEvent(SceneObserverEvent arg)
 o update
  public synchronized void update(DNXObservable o,
                                  Object arg)
A document is an observer of a scene; the scene may call update with SceneObserverEvents. The default implementation of this just passes the events on to each nexus, using the handleSceneEvent() method.

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