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java.lang.Object | +----dnx.util.DNXObject | | |
DNXBooleanIntConversion { exposedField SFInt32 trueValue 0 exposedField SFInt32 falseValue -1 eventIn SFBool set_SFBool eventOut SFInt32 SFInt32_changed eventIn SFInt32 set_SFInt32 eventOut SFBool SFBool_changed }
This is a custom node specific to the Dimension X browser. In order to use it, you must specify an EXTERNPROTO, like this:
EXTERNPROTO DNXBooleanIntConversion [ exposedField SFInt32 trueValue exposedField SFInt32 falseValue eventIn SFBool set_SFBool eventOut SFInt32 SFInt32_changed eventIn SFInt32 set_SFInt32 eventOut SFBool SFBool_changed ] ""
The DNXBooleanIntConversion node converts between integral and boolean values. When an event is received into set_SFBool, the value specified in trueValue or falseValue (depending on the value received) will be sent out of SFInt32_changed. When an event is received into set_SFInt32, either true (if the value is not 0) or false (if the value is 0) will be sent out of SFBool_changed.
The default conversion values are useful for enabling or disabling a Switch node.
public SFInt32 trueValue
public SFInt32 falseValue
public SFInt32 SFInt32_changed
public SFBool SFBool_changed
public DNXBooleanIntConversionNode()
protected void createNodeDefinition(NodeDefinition def)
protected void initFields()
protected void handleEvent(SceneEvent ev)
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