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java.lang.Object | +----dnx.util.DNXObject | |
Script { field MFString url [] field SFBool directOutput FALSE field SFBool mustEvaluate FALSE And any number of: eventIn eventTypeName eventName field fieldTypeName fieldName initialValue eventOut eventTypeName eventName }
The Script node is used to program behavior in a scene. Script nodes typically receive events that signify a change or user action, contain a program module that performs some computation, and effect change somewhere else in the scene by sending output events. Each Script node has associated programming language code, referenced by the url field, that is executed to carry out the Script node's function. That code will be referred to as "the script" in the rest of this description.
Browsers are not required to support any specific language. See the section in "Concepts - Scripting" for general information on scripting languages. Browsers are required to adhere to the language bindings of languages specified in annexes of the specification. See the section "Concepts - URLs and URNs" for details on the url field.
When the script is created, any language-dependent or user-defined initialization is performed. The script is able to receive and process events that are sent to it. Each event that can be received must be declared in the Script node using the same syntax as is used in a prototype definition:
eventIn type name
The type can be any of the standard VRML fields (see "Field Reference"), and name must be an identifier that is unique for this Script node.
The Script node should be able to generate events in response to the incoming events. Each event that can be generated must be declared in the Script node using the following syntax:
eventOut type name
Script nodes cannot have exposedFields. The implementation ramifications of exposedFields is far too complex and thus not allowed.
If the Script node's mustEvaluate field is FALSE, the browser can delay sending input events to the script until its outputs are needed by the browser. If the mustEvaluate field is TRUE, the browser should send input events to the script as soon as possible, regardless of whether the outputs are needed. The mustEvaluate field should be set to TRUE only if the Script has effects that are not known to the browser (such as sending information across the network); otherwise, poor performance may result.
Once the script has access to a VRML node (via an SFNode or MFNode value either in one of the Script node's fields or passed in as an eventIn), the script should be able to read the contents of that node's exposed field. If the Script node's directOutput field is TRUE, the script may also send events directly to any node to which it has access, and may dynamically establish or break routes. If directOutput is FALSE (the default), then the script may only affect the rest of the world via events sent through its eventOuts.
A script is able to communicate directly with the VRML browser to get and set global information such as navigation information, the current time, the current world URL, and so on. This is strictly defined by the API for the specific language being used.
It is expected that all other functionality (such as networking capabilities, multi-threading capabilities, and so on) will be provided by the scripting language.
public MFString url
public SFBool directOutput
public SFBool mustEvaluate
public ScriptNode()
protected void createNodeDefinition(NodeDefinition def)
protected void initFields()
protected void handleAddToScene()
protected void handleFieldChange(Field f)
protected void handleEvent(SceneEvent ev)
protected void finalize()
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