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java.lang.Object | +----dnx.util.DNXObject | | |
Shape { exposedField SFNode appearance NULL exposedField SFNode geometry NULL }
The Shape node has two fields: appearance and geometry which are used to create rendered objects in the world. The appearance field specifies an Appearance node that specifies the visual attributes (e.g. material and texture) to be applied to the geometry . The geometry field specifies a geometry node. The specified geometry node is rendered with the specified appearance nodes applied.
See "Concepts - Lighting Model" for details of the VRML lighting model and the interaction between Appearance and geometry nodes.
If the geometry field is NULL the object is not drawn.
public SFNode appearance
public SFNode geometry
public ShapeNode()
protected void createNodeDefinition(NodeDefinition def)
protected void initFields()
public AppearanceNode getAppearanceNode()
public GeometryNode getGeometryNode()
public boolean pick(PickTraversal traversal, PickDetail detail)
public void render(NodeInstance inst, RenderTraversal traversal)
public void recomputeBoundingBox(BoundingBox3 box)
protected boolean boundingBoxHasChanged(Field f)
public void potentialChildCarryingFieldChange(Field f, Node newValue)
protected void handleFieldChange(Field f)
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