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java.lang.Object | +----dnx.util.DNXObject | | | |
Switch { exposedField MFNode choice [] exposedField SFInt32 whichChoice -1 }
The Switch grouping node traverses zero or one of the nodes specified in the choice field.
See the "Concepts - Grouping and Children Nodes" section which describes "children nodes" for a details on the types of nodes that are legal values for choice.
The whichChoice field specifies the index of the child to traverse, where the first child has index 0. If whichChoice is less than zero or greater than the number of nodes in the choice field then nothing is chosen.
Note that all nodes under a Switch continue to receive and send events (i.e.routes) regardless of the value of whichChoice. For example, if an active TimeSensor is contained within an inactive choice of an Switch, the TimeSensor sends events regardless of the Switch's state.
public MFNode choice
public SFInt32 whichChoice
public SwitchNode()
protected void createNodeDefinition(NodeDefinition def)
protected void initFields()
public MFNode getChildren()
public Node getSwitchedInNode()
public boolean mapTraversalPathNodeChildren(ChildNodeMapper fun, Camera cam, Matrix4 objectToViewerMatrix, Object mapData)
public NodeInstance mapTraversalPathInstanceChildren(NodeInstance inst, ChildInstanceMapper fun, Camera cam, Matrix4 objectToViewerMatrix, Object mapData)
protected void updateSubtreePropertyNodes(MFNode children)
public void recomputeBoundingBox(BoundingBox3 box)
protected boolean boundingBoxHasChanged(Field f)
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