LDAP server Admin
Netscape Server Adminstration
You can start and stop and configure Netscape Directory Server(LDAP Server)
at this administration server.
- URL: http://aga.npac.syr.edu:1380
- UserID: cyoun
- Password: webflow1234
- Home directory: aga:/usr/people/cyoun/suitespot/
- Start the administration server: start-admin
- Stop the administration server: stop-admin
Netscape Directory Server(LDAP Server)
You can register the information for users into this server.
- Using LDAP Command Line Tools,
- Home directory: aga:/usr/people/cyoun/cert/
- You should set up this environment, "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/people/cyoun/SDK1.0/lib/" before using the LDAP command line at your directory.
- In order to add the information for users, You should modify the file "addfile" for the user.
- For example, at "addfile" file,
- dn: cn=Tomasz Haupt, ou=Gateway Project, o=Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, c=US
- objectclass: top
- objectclass: person
- objectclass: organizationalPerson
- objectclass: inetOrgPerson
- givenname: Tomasz
- cn: Tomasz Haupt
- sn: Haupt
- mail: haupt@npac.syr.edu
- title: user
- ou: Gateway Project
- And then You can execute script file "AddScript".
Gateway Server
You can check and modify all information about the user.
- URL: http://aga.npac.syr.edu:1200/dshtml/
- Home Directory: aga:/usr/people/cyoun/irix/apache_1.2.5/
For more information about the LDAP server Send email to me.....
Choonhan Youn