From MAILER-DAEMON Tue Dec 14 14:32:03 1999 Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 14:32:03 -0500 (EST) From: Mail System Internal Data Subject: DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA X-IMAP: 0945199923 0000000000 Status: RO This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not a real message. It is created automatically by the mail system software. If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created with the data reset to initial values. From Sun Dec 12 14:41:57 1999 -0500 Status: R X-Status: X-Keywords: Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 14:41:55 -0500 (EST) From: Yuhong Wen To: Helen Nusbaum Subject: Re: HP Job Opportunities In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Dear Helen. This is Yuhong Wen in Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University. I have contacted you before and send you back some answers of your questions. I visited HP's web-site and found that there are some new job openings that I am very interested to work on and match the job requirement. So would please help me to apply for these jobs? SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/657684 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/658785 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/658954 ENGINEER/SCIENTIST, SOFTWARE/661433 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/662144 MANUFACTURING DEVELOPMENT ENGR/SCIENTIST/663694 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/665896 ENGINEER/SCIENTIST, SOFTWARE/666165 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/667803 ENGINEER/SCIENTIST, SOFTWARE/668479 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/668480 SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER/669203 ENGINEER/SCIENTIST, SOFTWARE/669214 Please find my resume in the following. ======================================================== Resume Name: Yuhong Wen Email: Home Page: Tel: (315) 443-3879 (O) (315) 424-0591 (H) 1.Objective Looking for a senior computer software engineer and/or researcher position. 2.Experience Project Leader, Research Scientist (June, 1996 -- Present) Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA Assistant Professor (Dec. 1994 -- June, 1996) Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China Ph.D (Sep. 1991 -- Dec. 1994) Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China Master (Sep. 1990 -- Jul. 1991) Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China Bachelor (Sep. 1985 -- Jul. 1990) Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China 3.Skills Program languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML, CORBA, Perl, Fortran Data Base: Oracle, UNIFY, Ingress Network: Novell, ATM Parallel Computing Environments: MPI, PVM, Express Research Interests: Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing, System Evaluation and Performance Prediction 4.Education Ph.D, Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, December, 1994 Research in Parallel Programming Environment, Parallel Operating System and some other parallel processing issues. The title of my Ph.D dissertation was "Parallel Programming Environment Research and Design on Distributed Parallel Computer Systems". Master, Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, July, 1991 Research in VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) architecture and its compiler techniques. I developed an optimal compiler algorithm for code generation based on software pipelining technique and implemented an optimal compiler through this algorithm. Bachelor, Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, July, 1990 Top three excellent students in our department every year. 5.Working Experience Current Research Work Research Scientist (June, 1996 -- Present) Project Leader in the PetaSIM and HPJava research group Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracuse University, NY PetaSIM, A Performane Estimator for parallel hierarchical memory systems, aimed to support the conceptual design phases of parallel algorithms, systems software and hardware architecture, which has accurate performance estimation results, and fast and easy to operate features. Project supported by the Department of Defense, Advanced Research Projects Agency and Office of Naval Research, under contract No. N66001-97-C-8534. High Performance Java, data parallel extension to Java programming language with compiler and run-time system support, aimed to make Java suitable for high performance scientific computing. Project supported by National Science Fundation (NSF). High Performance Fortran (HPF) compiler, NPAC, Syracuse University Implementation of an HPF compiler on distributed computing system. Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium (PCRC) project, NPAC, Syracuse University Aimed to provide a common runtime system support for high performance languages compiler, such as HPF, HPC++ and HPJava. Sponsored by Advanced Research Projects Office/CSTO Common Runtime Support for High Performance Parallel Languages, ARPA Order No. B526 Issued by ESC/ENS under contract # F19628-94-C-0057. Beowulf parallel computer system project, NPAC, Syracuse University Aimed to improve the LINUX and MPI to support distributed shared memory computing, not only the distributed computing right now. Work in Tsinghua University Assistant Professor (Dec. 1994 -- June, 1996) Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China Project of parallel processing system with cluster of workstations connected by 8 SPARC 10 workstations through SCI (Scalable Coherence Interface) hardware message passing support. Research in processor allocation algorithm, message passing techniques such as multicasting, performance evaluation of parallel systems, etc. Aimed to provide a high performance and convenient parallel processing environment for the applications. Taught the computer architecture course for about 170 students of grade four in Tsinghua University in 1996. As a teacher assistant during my Ph.D study assisted to teach the computer architecture course and the experiment course for 4 years. Projects Participated 1.PetaSIM -- Performance Estimator for parallel hierarchical memory systems Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracuse University 2.High performance Java for Scientific Computing Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracuse University 3.High Performance Fortran Compiler Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracuse University 4.Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium (PCRC) Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC), Syracuse University 5.High Performance Cluster Workstation System National 863 High-Technology Project, Tsinghua University, P.R.China 6.Parallel Programming Environment Research and Design National 863 High-Technology Project, Tsinghua University, P.R.China 7.PGR (Parallel Graph Reduction) Parallel Accelerator National 863 High-Technology Project, Tsinghua University, P.R.China 8.VLIW Architecture and Compiler Techniques National 863 High-Technology Project, Tsinghua University, P.R.China 9.Distributed Knowledge Base System Research and Design National 7th Five-year project, Tsinghua University, P.R.China 6.Merited Awards Won "12.9" Outstanding Prize, Motorola, Guang Hua, and IBM scholarship many times during my study in Tsinghua University. An Excellent Graduate Student of Tsinghua University in 1990. (Only three in 170 students in our department). As a University Excellent Students every year during my undergraduate study. (only five in 170 students in our department) 7.Selected Publications 1."A Performance Estimator for Parallel Hierarchical Memory Systems - PetaSIM", the ISCA 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS'99), August 18-20, 1999, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. 2."Performance Prediction for Data Intensive Applications on Large Scale Parallel Systems", the Third World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI'99) and the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS'99), July 31 to August 4, 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA 3."Performance Prediction for Large Scale Parallel Systems", The 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99), June 28 - July 1, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 4."Java data parallel extension with runtime system support", 5th International Conference on High performance Computing (HiPC'98), Dec17-20, 1998, India 5."PetaSim: A Performance Estimator for Parallel Hierarchical Memory System", NPAC Technical Report, Aug. 1998 6."The HPspmd Model and its Java Binding", High Performance Cluster Computing, Volume 2, pp291-309, Prentice Hall 7."HPJava: data parallel extensions to Java", Technical Report, Dec, 1997 8."HPF Parallel Prefix / Suffix Intrinsic Functions", NPAC Techinical Report, Oct., 1997 9."High-Performance Fortran as a Possible Successor to Global Arrays in the NWChem Paralle Computational Chemistry Code", Technical Report, July, 1997 10."Studies of Integration and Optimization of Interpreted and Compiled Languages", Feb, 1997 11."PCRC-Based HPF Compilation", 10th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 1997 12."An Optimal Processor Allocation Algorithm in Heterogeneous Network Computing of Workstation Cluster Systems", Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol. 19, No.3, pp. 161-167, Mar., 1996. 13."A Commnication Technology and Parallel Programming Methods Based on Message Passing", Computer Research and Development, vol. 33, No.3, pp. 211-216, Mar., 1996. 14."Parallel Programming Environments and System Porting Method", Mini-Micro Systems, Vol. 17, No.1, PP 13-19, Jan. 1996. 15."Parallel Programming on the Distributed Parallel Computer Systems", Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research (English), no.4, 1995. 16."A Parallel Programming Environment Based on Message Passing", in the proceedings of ICPADS'94, Taiwan, Dec. 19-21, 1994. 17."Optimal processor Allocation in Parallel Computing of Heterogeneous Cluster Workstations", Computer Journal, 1997 18."A Parallel Programming Techniques Based on Message Passing", Mini-Micro Computer Systems, vol.16, no.5, 1995. 19."Parallel Programming Environment Based on Message Passing", Software Journal, no.8, 1995. 20."Parallel Programming Environment in Distributed Computer Systems", Mini-Micro Computer Systems, vol.16, no.2, 1995. 21."Communication Techniques and Parallel Programming Method Based on Message Passing", Computer Research and Development, no.10, 1995. 22."Research of Parallel programming Environment in Distributed Parallel Systems", Design report of Scalable workstation cluster project, oct., 1994. 23."Research and Design of Parallel Programming Environment", Computer World, July, 1994. 24."The Prospect and Developing Trend of MPP Parallel Processing Techniques", Computer World, vol.7, 1993. 25."A kind of Parallel Programming Environment -- Introduction to Express", Workstations and Applications, no.6, 1993. 26."Optimal Communication Problems in Hypercube Parallel Computer Systems", Internal report of Tsinghua University, Nov, 1992. 27."The Function and Design of Distributed Parallel Programming Environment", Internal report of Tsinghua University, Dec., 1992. 28."Design of Optimal Compiler Based on VLIW Software Pipelining Techniques", in the proceedings of China High-Tech Conference, 1991. Thank very much for your help! Yuhong Wen ----------------------------------------------------------------- Northeast Parallel Architecture Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University 111 College Place Syracuse, NY, 13244-4100 Tel: (315) 443-3879 (O) Fax: (315) 443-1973 Home Page: -----------------------------------------------------------------